Pelor The Dawnfather

Pelor is considered by many as the father of the "good gods" as he was the first of the upper planes gods, and the strongest. He is a beacon of hope followed by both common folk and warriors as he embodies strength and hard work. He is a destroyer of evil and is known for standing on the battlefield stringing down demons and devils with a mace bright as the sun. He is most known for being on of the gods that imprisoned Tharizdun The Chained Oblivion.   He is descried as a titan in gold and silver armor with his head being a bright sun. One cannot look into the face of Pelor without being blinded. Most statues of Pelor just depict his head with a burning brazier.   Pelors followers are farmers and workers that ask for the strength to become stronger and work harder. Many Paladins, Warriors and Ranger follow him and hunt down demons and devils. Many of the Crimson Lions are followers although the guild is not worshiping him. Pelors temples are found in most cities and are usually some of the greatest buildings.

Divine Domains

Pelor is the god of war and time. His plane of existence is the infinite Mount Celestia.
Divine Classification