
Located in the Birch Bear Woods lies the largest mountain in the Empire, Starpeak. It is roughly 8500 m high and has a second peaks only 5000 m high. The mountain is an old volcano that is inactive and the top and been blocked off by ice and dried lava. The temperature of the mountain is so cold that without proper equipment, you will die in a few hours.   Even though Starpeak is dangerous there are still many who climb the mountain and even more who has made it their home. The largest population of animal that live on the mountain is a species of mountain goats called "ice goats". Their warm wool protect them from the cold and the wool is a highly sought after product for many. In addition there are also wyverns who lives at the peaks as well as a fortification of frost giants. They rarely travel down to the base of the mountain but there is a constant danger while traveling up.   The dangers of the mountain stops very few from it however. The mountain has riches of gems and metalls that it the largest income for the city of Starhome. In addition to the mining operations, members of the Spirit Clans see the mountain as holy because it the closest one can get to the stars in the Empire. It is normal for stronger members of the clans to travel up the mountain to get visions, some even travel to the mountain from other continents.
Mountain / Hill