
Thar'ziq is a large city situated south-west in the vast jungle of Ëndria. Founded in 1993, it's known as the capital of the lizardmen and solace of the arcane. Mostly ruled by elves, Thar'ziq has grown to be one of the most powerful settlements in Ëndria, largely because of it's use of the Ambesum crystals, which are used to store magic and fuel the city. Due to it's remoteness, Thar'ziq is usually not involved in the matters of the outside world and trade is not frequent. However, during the (Demon Scourge) Thar'ziq rallied it's armies together with the (Alliance) to push back the demon horde into the (Mistful Abyss), and helping the Alliance to win the war. The city is now ruled by Lord Althydion of House Telvas and his wife Lady Elana of House Laerkín, and governed by the city counsil, consisting of the nine great houses of Thar'ziq.


Thar'ziq is mostly inhabited by lizardmen, followed by high elves and wood elves. People of almost any race can be found here however, as long as they have any degree of arcane capability. There is very little crime in Thar'ziq, as a result of a widespread intent by the citizens to uphold the law, followed by the harsh punishments for breaking it.


The city is governed by the nine different family houses. The elven family houses: House Faldín, House Laerkín, House Caervión, and the current ruling family, House Telvas; and the five lizardmen houses:   A new ruler Lord or Lady is elected once the previous have died or resigned. To run for leader, one must be a citizen of Thar'ziq and have its application accepted by the city counsil. When these requirements are fulfilled, the election prosess can begin. Each participant will go through two stages, each make up for the same amount of votes. The first stage is to test the participants magical capabilities through a number of increasingly difficult trials, and votes are shared based on how succesful each participant was. The next step of the election process is done by the citizens of Thar'ziq, through democratic voting. A citizen of Thar'ziq is able to spend Thar'ziq Gold to vote. Each coin is equal to one vote. Typically, the more reputable citizens have more of these coins in their disposal, and therefore have a higher impact on the election result.

Industry & Trade

The trading is extremely sparse. Due to it's location and isolation, almost all trade happens through skyships, which makes it very inconveniant and therefore almost nonexistant.


Thar'ziq is called the Capital of the Lizardfolk. It was founded by various family tribes of lizardmen in 1993 in the thick of the jungle, near the base of the Silver Peak. In the early 2000's two families of High Elves, House Faldín and House Telvas migrated to Thar'ziq and took an imidiate interest in the peculiar mineral mined by the Lizardmen: Ambesum. Through intense research and experimenting, they found that the mineral could harness and store magic. They built the first arcane batteries and used them to enhance their daily lives with magic. An intense search began for more of this priceless mineral, and the elves teached the lizardmen the basics of magic, which made their city flourish. In 2026, a government was established, consisting of the great houses and the first ruler of Thar'ziq was elected, through their expertise in magic. In 2034 House Laerkín migrated to the city, and in 2040 House Caervión. They soon got included into the city counsil aswell. For many centuries Thar'ziq flourished, expanding in power and size, much due to the magic that fueled the civilization. House Faldín dominantly ruled the city with great success, until suddenly, it all changed. In 2580, an event which specifics are only known by a select few, took place in the Ambesum mines. Killing hundreds of miners and collapsing the mines, the Ambesum mineral could not be so easily mined anymore. For years, the mining operations were shut down to avoid further casualties, and Ambesum became a rarity, guarded closely by the city rule. In 2690, Lady Vistaena was elected as ruler, and by many she is regarded as the greatest ruler to ever rule Thar'ziq. In 2755, some mages of the Arcane Collective came visiting Thar'ziq and quickly took an interest in the strange Ambesum crystals. Their visit ended abruptly and violently, as they got caught trying to steal one of the arcane batteries. This event is seen as one of the major reasons why the citizens of Thar'ziq wants to remain isolated from the outside world. Even though Ambesum was not as easily acquired anymore, the growth of the city hardly stagnated. Through the excellent craftmanship of the lizardmen and the precise planning of the elves, Thar'ziq grew to be an extraordinary, magnificent city. In 3099, during the gods invasion of the material plane, Thar'ziq was finally dragged into the war. Through their remoteness and self-inflicted isolation they had managed to stay out of the fighting, but when their civilization was attacked, they were left no choice. Their great armies were gathered: Dino-riders and mages; lizardmen and elves; fierce footsoldiers, and the Great Beasts of Thar'ziq. They plunged into battle, destroying their foes, but in doing so, their great elven Lady Vistaena of House Faldín perished. In a time of mourning, their new leader Lord Zelphar of House Faldín was elected. Obsessed with power, Lord Zelphar tried to ascend to godhood by using vast amounts of Ambesum, without the knowledge of the city counsil. But in his experiments trying to become a god, he was chased down and killed publicly by the people of Thar'ziq. After his execution, the first ruler to ever be elected from a house other than House Faldín was chosen. And since then, no house has ruled as dominantly as House Faldín did ever again. The following period was one of the darkest periods of Thar'ziq history. The people of Thar'ziq were stunned by the sudden betrayal of one of their Lords, and the mistrust towards the noble elven houses meant that their first ever lizardmen ruler was elected. Because of the immense amount of Ambesum Lord Zelphar had stolen, the city was now in a shortage of the mineral. And as a result of this, the city counsil deemed it necessary to open the abandoned ambesum mines once again. Carefully and secretly the mining operations began. The miners willing to risk their lives were seen as unsung heroes, brave enough to dive into the flooded mines, desperatly looking for the priceless mineral. Even til this day these operations continue, with no shortage of lost lives, only to be concealed to the public. During the demon scourge, Thar'ziq was for the second time in history dragged into a war, when they spotted demons ravaging their jungle boarders. In 4116, they rallied their troops and marched against the the mistful crater, where they finally defeated the demon invasion.

Points of interest

The Arcane Bank & the arcane batteries. The dome of the city counsil. The shrine. The Great Tree Of Silvanus. The Silver Peak. The Thar'ziq vault.


The Architecture is mix between the colorful and highly decorated style of the Lizardfolk, merged with the precision and magnificence of the High Elves. Added to that is the influence of magic into the buildings, through the power of the arcane batteries located around the city. It fuels almost everything; from dancing fountains and silent door hinges, to portals and floating elevators. Most of the city is elevated high above the jungle floor, built into the mountain cliffs, and pathways between the different mountain tops are held up by typical elven arches. Down at the base of the city, the Great Tree Of Silvanus is situated, reaching high above the jungle canopy. A beautifully made shrine is located at the base of The Silver Peak; a majestic, spiky mountain peak, that shines as silver in the sunlight of the day. The rest of the city is enclosed by beautifully decorated, colored walls to the east and west, and by mountains to the north and south.


Dense jungle, and pointy mountain peaks surrounds and envelops the city.

Natural Resources

Ambesum, wood from the jungle, exotic fruits and meat.
Founding Date
Owning Organization