Organizations of North Eastern Costrana

There is a wide array of diverse parties that are based in Azleveer and the surrounding area. Similarly to Western Costrana and the guilds of Volagvaros, guild influence plays a major role in the area, though to a lesser extent. Listed here are some of the most prominent guilds/organizations, as well as some that are only rumored to exist.    

The Revolutionaries:

Founded only just recently as a result of the political turmoil in Azleveer, the Revolutionaries have been called terrorists by Lord Granvath and his allied contemporaries. This is not without cause. Some acts performed by the rebels are widely considered to be unjust and cruel, such as the burning of the forest near Binde Post or the poisonings of the springs in Marrowwood. The rebellion is led by a triad of bold and influential citizens of Azleveer. Misra Arkell is a former member of the Council of Azleveer, and the only surviving one at that. She was well liked by the people of Vardor, the city she represented, but much less popular with Ashheim's citizens. Her husband was slain during the fateful evening in Ashheim when the council was killed in cold blood. Also a key member of the organization is Jarlin Telenir. Once a crime fighting vigilante exposing Ashheim's underbelly, Jarlin disappeared once the war began. He is secretive, but a skilled swordsman and a vital member of the group. The third member is Bren Guildart. He is a former Captain of the Azleveerian military with a fierce interest in The Blightslayers


Granvath's loyalist army is known as Blackstaeff. Their symbol, the cup before a rising sun symbolizes the communion of the Azleveerians at the dawn of a new age. Lord Granvath hand picked many followers, grooming them to be his leaders for years. Blackstaeff soldiers range in terms of skill, but they all have a uncanny loyalty towards Exalian Granvath, a passion that is unmatched by the Revolutionaries.
Blackstaeff has a number of prominent military leaders, but none are as ruthless as Admiral Mar Strand. Strand was outspoken about his disdain for the Council of Azleveer long before the uprising, and was quick to join Granvath's side. He has been said to be seeking a higher rank in Granvath's new government, but has been denied it time and time again, fueling his anger and need to prove himself.    

The Pimeyia

The Pimeyia are a group of tribal warriors who dwell in central Azleveer. They have been known to be territorial, and for the most part, Azleveerian settlers have steered clear of their lands in favor of the less harsh environments. The Pimeyia are primarily orc and half-orc, but there are splinter sections of the tribal guild that consist of other monstrous races. The Pimeyia are more organized than they may at first seem, all answering to an elder, Degotoga, an ancient entity that lives deep underground. To the Pimeyia, Degotoga is born of the gods. Modern anthropologists seem to have other theories. Some suggest that the Degotoga is a true ancient power, cursed or blessed with longevity long ago.

The Circle of Sehanine

Followers of the moon goddess, the Circle of Sehanine are a mysterious lot. The guild was built out of Millonock and evacuated just 1 day before the city was overtaken by the Lifeless Timber. Their goal seems to be to spread the word of Sehanine, but their strange leader Kla'caek (pronounced klah- check) has led many to believe that the motivations are separate. Kla'ceak has led the guild for nearly 800 years, far beyond the normal lifespan of a Dragonborn. He claims to be blessed by Sehanine, and has demonstrated powerful abilities to his followers on several occasions.
Little is known about the guild, as they have only been sighted on a few occasions in the last 300 years, mostly along the western coast of Azleveer and in the Northlands.    

The Coming Storm

The Coming Storm is a society who claim to be the harbingers of something terrible soon to come. They claim to have had visions of great evils returning to the material plane after over a thousand years of silence. They were founded by one of Costrana's Prime Mages, Ovira. She has long abandoned the guild, but her followers continue on. She is the Prime Mage of Evocation (sometimes called the Storming Soul) is known to be quite loose with her use of the arcane.
  She is a popular socialite in Port Astra, where she resides currently. Many stories surround her quests and trials all over Costrana, some even believing her to be the leader of a seperate cult. While she lives within the Imperial Coalition of Valtana, she has not pledged any allegiance to them. Some think her to be using magic to reduce her aging process.  

Daughters of Marshwood

Another organization more rumored than confirmed, the Daughters of Marshwood are said to be a coven of witches and wizards trained under the mysterious recluse who lives in Castle Marshwood. Some have said to have been charmed and persuaded under magical means by strange women, only to come to their senses after finding strange possessions taken from them. Such cases were investigated by Granvath, but no connection could be made between them. Items included ancient tokens from lost civilizations, star charts and sky-mapping instruments, unfinished blades from various forges, incense, brimstone, and various silver trinkets.