Thoron’s Crown

Thoron’s Crown is an abandoned Zheng Military base located on a Class 1 planetoid. It was used during the last expansion wars until it was no longer strategically significant. The base is now occupied by a group of peoples known unofficially as the Outcasts. They are made up of people from all over the known galaxy. They are refugees, rejects, reformed criminals, anyone whose society has deemed to throw away. The Outcasts were brought together by Khaenar and his daughter Feena. While wandering the galaxy, they found Thoron’s Crown and squatted there. They are making a life for themselves there, but it has not been easy. Pirates tried to take the base but they were fought off. In the final battle, Khaenar died, leaving Feena to care for her Outcasts.   The base consists of a ring of five armored domes in a ring, connected by equally armored tunnels. A spaceport resides in the center.   Despite being in a circular dome, the little city inside is set up in a city block layout. Streets cross perpendicular to each other, with buildings in each block.   The city under the dome is fairly drab. It looks like the original builders weren't concerned with beauty or art. Everywhere the Outcasts have touched there is a bit of life , like the converted warehouse where people eat and balconies of apartments with banners and plants. They have even modified the lighting system to give a night/day cycle. There are many different kinds of beings here of all ages. Children are playing in the streets while older people sit around a fire discussing recent events. Smiles and greetings are offered to the newcomers as they pass.   All 5 domes of the base share the same dimensions: They are 10 kilometers across and 3 kilometers high, with a 500 meter stem wall extending under the surface of the planetoid. Each dome has a circumference 31.42 km and a floor space of 78.54 km². Tunnels between the domes stretch for 10 km. The spaceport is 10 km x 10 km and has sunken, armored berths for 8 large ships. The berths can also be divided to accommodate several smaller ships at the same time.


The base has several defenses. Some of which still exist from when it was a military base accompanied by new ones.
  • Swarmer Drones
  • Long range ground based energy weapons
  • As well as a Zheng military picket surrounding the moon.

Guilds and Factions

Thoron's Crown is occupied by three groups primarily. While the base is Zheng, it is run by the Outcasts, which maintain control and are responsible for the base. It is also home to the DRAS, which came to Thoron's Crown when they won their independence from Prel. They reside in Dome 2.


Thoron's Crown was constructed 200 years ago as a forward operating base to guard against incursions from the Imperium. It saw heavy used during the Imperium's last Expansion Crusade. After the war ended, it remained active as a observation post and research base.
Outpost / Base
Included Locations
Owning Organization

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