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Valen Armanammer

Born in Northern Nassos to a halfling mother and gnome father, Valen took on his mother's physical characteristics but his father's gnomish disposition for wandering. Valen left home at a young age and got along by using his ability to go unseen and light touch. Eventually, he took up with a small group: the human wizard Petrus, the elven ranger Morena, and the dwarvish cleric of Neyto Gloven. The group wound up lost in the Feywild and fell for a nasty deal where Petrus died, and the others were trapped. Blaming himself for the situation, Valen tried to make another deal to escape with his friends but once more fell for the tricky wording of the fey.  Alone, without his roguish abilities and his left arm, Valen was returned to the material plane. He wandered for 20 years trying to find his friends or a way back. However, one day he came across a burning house with two human children inside - rescuing them, he learned their parents had died in the fire, so Valen decided it was time to settle down. He adopted the children and set up his shop in City of Nassos, far from nature and fey, to raise Autumn and Adrian. Twenty years passed in plenty until one day when Valen was at the docks to receive a shipment of copper for his shop when he noticed a commotion. Chief Rami was being attacked; he stepped in to help along with 4 other do-gooders. This event reactivated Valen's sense of adventure - for now, as an older halfling and his children grown, he was ready for one last go at it. Valen traveled out into the world once more with this group of young whippersnappers as the Wonder Seekers (trademark pending). With the Wonder Seekers, Valen was caught up once again in the machinations of the Lyrebird. He found Morena without her memories and vowed to see them returned. Facing the Lyrebird with his new group he was able to rescue Gloven, find Morena's memories, and put Petrus' soul to rest. After 6 months as an adventurer and resolving his past mistakes - Valen was ready for retirement once more. Heading back to Nassos he will always be there to help the Wonder Seekers in their quests.

Physical Description

Body Features

Previously had a mechanical left arm.

Apparel & Accessories

Wears a monocle that changes colors based on his mood. Has a guild signet ring from the Bronze Hand.

Mental characteristics


Valen own's a store called V's Vials and Vices that sells mechanical trinkets, tinctures, and toys.

Mental Trauma

Took a bad fey deal from Lord Lyrebird that trapped him and his fellows in the feywild. His friend Petrus died to hags, and the survivors were forced to work for Lyrebird. Valen escaped accidentally, leaving his friends behind and losing his arm in the process.

Morality & Philosophy

Protect his kids and friends by any means necessary. Never make a bad deal again.
Current Status
Current Location
Well put together, high end merchant clothes
short grey with a streak of black, usually dyed purple
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I'll tell you later!"
"Grumble, grumble."
Aligned Organization

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