Elven Element System

Table of Contents


The Element Circle has been a pillar of Elven culture for as long as history reaches back. It is reflected in their calendar and depicted on their currency.


Elven scientists have identified eight distinct elements in their effort to classify the diverse abilities. They are further grouped into primary and secondary elements.   Ground, Water, Air and Energy are considered the purest elements and the foundation of the entire world. Plant, Fog, Fire and Lava are seen as combinations of the primary elements. They enrich the world beyond its mere existence.   People attuned to a primary element are often also capable of using the adjacent secondary elements. The opposite is rarely the case, but not unheard of.


Primary Element Powers

Secondary Element Powers


A significant part of education is dedicated to reinforcing a person's innate attunement to the elements. During childhood, teachers help identify the element to which a person has the strongest connection. This often determines the classes that they take and shapes the career they pursue later in life.

Effects on Appearance

A person's elemental connection is known to affect their body to some degree, starting in late childhood.

Primary Elements

They have the most pronounced effect on appearance. Being connected to a secondary element can also activate features related to both primary elements that surround it.  
darker pigmentation and tougher skin
blue shine on the skin and/or hair
paler and/or cooler pigmentation
pupils glowing red, orange or yellow

Secondary Elements

Unless a person is directly attuned to a secondary element, the primary elements determine the changes to their body. Nevertheless, there are certain features that the secondary elements add on top of those.  
green glowing ruptures in the skin
subtle sparkle on the skin and/or hair
resistance to high temperatures
higher body temperature
Magic Classification System
Related Species
Related Ethnicities
Northern Forest Elves
Western Coast Elves
Desert Elves
Steppe Elves
by Kathrin Janowski

Cover image: by Kathrin Janowski


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