Hashkisa Taibun

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The massive mountain range on the Elven continent Vinalur.


This mountain range splits the continent into two parts. It extends from the northern coast to the southeastern one, and covers about 30% of its width.   "Hashkisa Taibun" translates as "angrily shaking mountains" and refers to the frequent groundquakes and volcanic eruptions in this region. The mountains consist of dark, dense rock that varies wildly in shape. There are smooth surfaces where the lava cooled down, jagged cliffs where a quake tore the mountains apart, or rough chunks that were tossed across the landscape in an earlier eruption.

Localized Phenomena

The dominant Elemental currents are Ground and Lava. In fact, the currents here are the strongest on the entire planet.   Consequently, the settlements near the foothills count powerful wielders among their inhabitants. Ground wielders are commonly tasked with stabilizing the most important buildings, while Lava wielders direct the flow to where it does the least damage.

Fauna & Flora

The mountains themselves are only inhabitable for birds and insects. Those animals are known to fly away to the lower lands before volcanic eruptions, and the Elven cultures have come to rely on this indicator of danger.   Plant life consists of small, fast-growing species. They will cover the rock within days after the lava has cooled down.

Natural Resources

Lava and ash spread far down to the Haesinu Desert and, to a lesser degree, to the easterns side of the continent. But while the lava is a frequent threat to settlements, the ash is considered a blessing. It provides copious amounts of minerals to the soil that let the plants flourish and lead to rich harvests. The Haelin River carries these minerals further across the desert, making them a key factor for the wealth and power of the Great-Kingdom of Norume.   The rock from these mountains is an excellent construction material. It is used throughout Norume, especially for prestigious buildings like palaces, temples, or educational institutions. There are also a number of metals that can be extracted from these rocks. This is commonly done via Ground and Lava magic so that the surrounding rock remains usable, albeit with a lower density.
Mountain Range
~4500 km
1000 - 2500 km
up to ~8 km


"You can see the swarms leaving their eyes."
— said about angry people
"The mountains take and the mountains give."
— said to comfort people after misfortune

Cover image: by Kathrin Janowski


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