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Sona'Ria (a.k.a. The Shadowflame)

An assassin hell-bent on killing the King of Fir'arun.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Ria is lean and well-trained. She focuses on agility and speed over brute strength.

Identifying Characteristics

She dyes parts of her hair red, in memory of all the bloodshed she has witnessed growing up.

Special abilities

Ria is an Air wielder. She mainly uses those powers to send her daggers flying, cancel out the sound of her movement, or cushion her fall when jumping down from great heights. Her secondary attunement is to the Element of Fire, which she uses when circumstances call for less subtle means.   In theory, she also inherited her mother's transformation ability, but she never managed to use it. One reason is that transforming is more difficult and painful for her than for pure Werewolves. Besides that, she considers the bestial form a disadvantage because she relies on being small and agile - and as her mother's death showed, the raw strength of a giant wolf is no guarantee for survival.

Apparel & Accessories

She wears tight-fitting clothes that cover most of her body, but likes to leave small, teasing gaps that show bare skin. Furthermore, she always wears a mask on her lower face in the presence of others.  

Specialized Equipment

Attached to her arms and the back of her armor is a cape with numerous blades hanging from the bottom. A similar piece of fabric, equipped with the same kind of blades, is hanging from her belt like a skirt.   Her weapon of choice is a set of curved daggers.

Mental characteristics


"It is remarkable how accepting they are behind closed doors. Without witnesses, it hardly matters who offers to satisfy their urges. And they call us animals."
— Ria commenting on a recently charmed merchant
She uses seduction to manipulate people. It does not matter who the target is because she never commits to anything in the first place. Instead, she works with teases and innuendos, making the target believe she was interested.   In reality, Ria lives a celibate life. Even if she trusted anyone enough to be that vulnerable with them, there would still be the issue of avoiding attachment.


She has little formal education apart from primary school. Most of her skills come from various teachers that she only met briefly, combined with a lot of hard training on her own.


Ria has been working as an assassin for many years. Since she grew up on the run from law enforcement, she is quite experienced with sneaking around undetected. She also sees this as a good opportunity to hone her skills and prepare for taking out her true target.   After teaming up with other hybrids, they started taking on mercenary jobs for whoever would hire them.

Mental Trauma

Ria and her mother had to flee from the King's soldiers when she was just a little girl. Her father stayed behind to buy them time, and in all likelihood he was publicly executed for being in a relationship with a Werewolf. While on the run, Ria saw numerous people either betray them to the authorities or be killed for helping them. As a consequence, she has a hard time trusting people and avoids getting close to anyone.   Eventually, the soldiers tracked them down in a small village. Ria's mother had kept her existence hidden from everyone but the owner of the cottage where they had found refuge, and when the soldiers arrived, there was barely enough time to hide the girl under the floor boards. Ria had to struggle not to make a sound in the dusty surroundings while the fight broke out above her. She heard how her mother confronted the soldiers and was killed by them. The soldiers then dragged the home owner outside for whatever punishment awaited him, leaving the dead Werewolf behind. Petrified, Ria waited for several more hours before she dared to leave her hiding space and run off into the forest.  

Personality Characteristics


Her primary motivation is revenge for the way hybrids like herself are hunted down.

Likes & Dislikes

Ria takes great satisfaction in killing enemies or manipulating others, mainly because this makes her feel in control of her own life.   She also enjoys taking a warm bath after a tough fight. Officially, she is only concerned about resting her body and mind in preparation for the next fight, but secretly she savors the rare moments when she feels safe enough to take a bath in the first place.   Besides that, she enjoys good food, but would never admit it.   Her dislikes are mostly connected to people. She detests aristocrats who act like they owned everyone else, and soldiers who follow orders without thinking for themselves. She also has little tolerance for naive fools who are blind to the darkness in the world.

Virtues & Personality perks

"Are... are you here to kill me?" - "If I was, you would already be dead. I am here to offer you a deal."
— an undeserving target meeting Ria
  Ria prefers to form her own opinion of the people she is sent to assassinate, rather than just being a blade for hire. While she does not care about the person in question, she refuses to stoop to the level of the soldiers that murdered her family on the king's commands. If she finds that the target does not deserve death, she may approach them and offer to work for them instead.  

Vices & Personality flaws

She sees people and other living beings as tools to achieve what she wants. Whatever empathy she once possessed seems to be long gone.


Contacts & Relations

Ria has convinced four other hybrids to join her cause. She respects them for their various abilities and trusts them to watch her back, but refuses to grow attached on an emotional level.


Ria speaks in a formal and classy way. She is very direct, unless she is trying to charm and manipulate the other person.

Wealth & Financial state

Her clients tend to be wealthy and ready to pay high prices. Ria can afford excellent equipment and occasional luxuries, such as exotic delicacies.
Adopt Credits
Original Artwork
Kingslayer Vol.01
Werewolf-Elf Hybrid
How I got her
design commission
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Birth
Day 3 of Mid Spring Moon, 1362
black except for slit pupils that glow yellow
white with red accents
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
1.73 m
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Northern Elvish (fluent)
Southern Wolfish (fluent)
Elemental Attunement
Air (primary)
Fire (secondary)
Body (dormant)

Cover image: by Kathrin Janowski
Character Portrait image: by Kathrin Janowski


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