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The offspring of a male Elf and a female Werewolf.

Basic Information


Regular Form

A Wolfbrood's body type closely resembles that of an Elf, being lighter and sleeker than a Werewolf's build. On average, they are shorter than Elves, but taller than Werewolves.   They have broad, pointed wolf ears on the upper side of their head. Their eyes nearly always have black sclerae, but their pupils are most likely to be upright slits. In most cases, their fingers end in sharp, sturdy claws, and their pointy teeth indicate a carnivorous diet.   Their skin is mostly hairless. Hair is concentrated on the scalp and the groin, while men can grow long beards as well. Their ears are covered in notably shorter hair.

Bestial Form

When transformed, their pupils are typically round. Their entire body is covered in a dense coat of fur, and their skeletal structure changes into that of a bipedal wolf. Notable features include an elongated skull, digitigrade legs, and a long tail.   Their height depends on the individual's attunement to the Element of Body. Those highly skilled in Body Hastening can become nearly twice as tall. Typically, they are far more muscular in this form, especially if these muscles need to support a tall skeleton.


They inherit both the transformation abilities of their Werewolf ancestry and the Elven access to the eight material elements. However, access to these powers strongly depends on the elemental currents to which the individual was exposed during pregnancy and childhood. Their abilities are also likely to change when they travel to a different place.   Wolfbroods born on Vinalur are usually limited to their regular appearance or need considerably more effort to transform. However, they tend to have similar magical abilities to Elves, being attuned to one specific element and possibly adjacent ones.   Conversely, Wolfbroods born on Norithana are able to shift easily between forms, but their access to the material elements is often limited to sensing one of them.

Genetics and Reproduction

They are compatible with all people-type mammals, but only while in their regular form.

Growth Rate & Stages

They enter puberty around the age of 16 and are physically mature at about 30 years. Old age begins around 180 years.

Civilization and Culture

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The Elves on Vinalur tend to be disgusted by them. Most Elves already see the Werewolf immigrants as animals and therefore beneath themselves. Consequently, an Elf having a child with a Werewolf is considered a crime against nature.     Werewolves tend to be more accepting on average, but often look down upon the hybrids' lower physical strength. Some communities, however, are openly hostile towards members that "side with the oppressor" and, consequently, towards any children born from such a union.     Another factor that plays into this discrimination is fear. Those hybrids have the potential to wield the abilities of both parent species, or might even develop completely new abilities that are found in neither. Many Elves are simply scared of meeting a wolf twice their size with the added ability to throw fire or shake the ground beneath their feet. Likewise, Werewolves are sceptical of the material elements that are inaccessible to themselves.
Elven Term
Genetic Ancestor(s)
240 - 300 years
Conservation Status
almost extinct due to systematic eradication
Average Height
1.72 - 1.85 m (regular)
2.2 - 3.0 m (bestial)
Average Weight
65 - 80 kg (regular)
110 - 270 kg (bestial)
Average Physique
lean with medium amounts of muscle

Cover image: by Kathrin Janowski

This species has multiple parents, only the first is displayed below.
All parents:


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