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A Steppe Elf tribe that was wiped out by the army of Fir'arun in 1382.


Culture and cultural heritage

"Talma" is the Desert Elvish word for the Element of Energy. It is assumed that this tribe broke away from Norume's society because the latter prioritized the Element of Water. Since the two Elements are opposite on the Elemental Circle, they cancel each other out, so Energy wielders are not considered important in the cities along the Haelin River.

Average technological level

They led a rather simple life, based on agriculture and keeping lifestock. The ruins in Vuca'val contain fragments of intricate metalwork and stonemasonry, hinting at craftspeople who were skilled wielders of Ground and Lava. This would also explain how they protected their settlements from the volcanic activity in this region.

Common Dress code

Men typically wore sturdy leather pants and boots, but left their chest and back bare. Women tended to wear long skirts and a broad strip of fabric over their breasts that wrapped around the back of their neck.   At first glance, these clothing choices seem more appropriate for the hot desert climate in Norume than the notably cooler climate in Fir'arun. However, the majority of this tribe was attuned to the Element of Energy, which let them conserve warmth better than the average Northern Forest Elf. Tribespeople who lacked this attunement were easily protected by their kin.

Coming of Age Rites

Young men and women received brightly colored tattoos on the day they were no longer considered children. Some of those were purely ornamental, while others represented blessings from friends and family members.   Similar to ancient traditions in Norume, those patterns were aligned with the Elemental attunement of the individual. The color choice depended on their primary Element, and the most important lines of the design followed the related currents within their body.
Parent ethnicities
Related Locations
First mention
Old Winter 1107
Old Summer 1382

Cover image: by Kathrin Janowski


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