
Year 817, 4th Age

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hen you enter the small shop you've been referred to, you're overwhelmed by the sheer number of books in the small space. Shelf after shelf, book by book, they line the walls. Towers of books stack up on the floor, some so tall and precarious, you wonder how they don't tumble. Carefully, you navigate your way through the labyrinth of knowledge surrounding you, until you find the owner of the shop in the back corner of the room. Sitting on an old leather chair in front of a brightly lit fireplace, he looks at you questioningly. He nods approvingly when you tell him what you're looking for and silently points to a row of nine large books bound in leather. Which one will you open first?

Mirintha is a world, based on the movies, books and video games that accompanied my over the last +25 years. At lot will seem familiar, as it was inspired, adjusted and combined. Stolen with pride. This world is supposed to be the base for future P&P campaigns that will not use a common game system. Mirntha doesn't have to please everyone, it has to please me. And if by chance you like it, I'm even more pleased. Feel free to browse, like and comment. I might even implement it.