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Fameri Tse

The Floating World


Fameri Tse, known natively as Uema or Uemara, is one of the most infamous cities in the entirety of Nirann. It was called Fameri Tse by the Ischarri, who heard tales of a decadent place on an island by Koisha where the inhabitants were gods of a bohemian nature.

Layout and Architecture


The city itself consists of houses built of stone and brick in Soranni style, with red tiled rooves. The city has off the coast domed palace quarter with beautiful houses made of red and white stones. The entire city remains several meters above the sea as the rocky shores keep it high above the water.


The city is built on a peninsula that juts into the Nemin Gulf, where the sea cuts the peninsula into the mainland and an island. The island has minor villages, but the city is on the tip of the peninsula. The center of town is where the peninsula ends, with a main road going down it. On the southern coast there is an island with a bridge to it, this island has a ruined palace on it that has since been turned into a residence for the criminal lord that runs the city. There also exists two main rival breweries on the north and south side of the peninsula respectively.


Pre-Imperial Period

In the Pre-Imperial Period, the city was repeatedly destroyed and rebuilt until eventually the settlement was abandoned alltogether.

Imperial Period

The city was eventually resettled in the Imperial period as ambitious exiles from the nearby city of Soasang were kicked out by the governor for siding with his brother in a regional dispute. They began to pile up stones along the shore and created a mound, where the first houses were made. The village was a fishing one at this time, although it would soon become renowned for it's production of the dye color Iroagi red; one of the most popular clothing and decoration colors among the Ishtari Knights. As a result, it would grow into a decently sized town.

Post-Imperial Period

The town would largely run its own affairs after the year 850, falling under the influence of no one major town. A local governor would build an estate on the nearby island. During the shattering, the governor's estate would be destroyed along with the half of the town against the land, only being saved from complete destruction by knights coming to get their clothing dyed. The town was hit heavily by the Great Rot, causing it to become nigh abandoned. In the years to come, the city would rebuild until eventually the Ischarri army would come to ensure that the city would be under their rule. In this time the Ischarri garrison would claim that the city was great for drinking, gambling, and prostitution. This led to the garrison naming the town Fameri Tse, meaning floating world; the name was chosen after a popular legend about an island in the eastern sea inhabited by gods and home to many vices. This boom caused the city to become a massive red-light district practically overnight, the breweries were established to supply local inns and the town has since been flourishing.
Location of Fameri Tse
Mirios as of Year 1568
This depiction of Mirios was comissioned by Emperor Sivirri an Ilsairi to show the world during the year of his coronation. While the world might not be perfectly represented, it is one of the best and most complete maps out there as members of the colleges of Thadia, Anosfae, Soranna, Alsivai, and Ischurrai sent cartographers to distant lands to gain as much knowledge as they could for it's creation. The 1568 map itself was completed in 1613, and presented in 1615 with a map of the world during the year 1600 as well.


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