Side Plot; Garbone and Havre’s Worth Plot in Mirthae | World Anvil
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Side Plot; Garbone and Havre’s Worth


Each of the struggles that the main characters face all relate to their struggles with identity and mental health



Garbone’s life has always been much of a struggle. They’re given very little to no freedom because Lord Cassius, their grandfather, is attempting to mould them into the perfect ivierae. Strong, high-spirited, aggressive. But they’re depressed, scared, and weak. They don’t care about being the best, they just want to do what they want. They hate working at the Demon Embassy, having Lord Cassius constantly breathing down their neck and humiliating them by using his powers on them. They hate that they’re constantly being assaulted in between Lord Cassius attempting to force them to date any ivierae and lose their virginity. Outside of all that, they already felt trapped in their body. They don’t relate to being minil whatsoever, and hate that they’re expected to lean more towards being masculine even though minil is supposed to be androgynous. They don’t know if they’ll ever get to escape. Especially not after they were kidnapped by the Yati Fae Guild and completely traumatised. After losing Lennon to the guild and hearing about other ivierae disappearing with the murders of humans, they’re scared to do anything; fearing to do anything.   Havre in contrast, has had it much easier she thinks. She did have similar pressures placed on her to become a perfect leader of her village, though she couldn’t really fight back against it as she was constantly drugged, becoming addicted to janai tea. Sure, she had to help look after her five younger siblings when her mother became ill, but she still enjoyed looking after them. Going through a whole transition was certainly a little rough, but it was still something she wanted without even thinking of upholding the tradition of their matriarchy. The backlash she got from her extended family for coming out as trans was a bit of a disaster, to say the least. She was exhausted having to always be the person people look up to, and it translated to her relationships where she would put full trust in others, looking to them for guidance. It made it difficult to identify when her partners were being abusive, using her power for their own gains. She’s struggled constantly trying to find that balance of trust and skepticism, but the effects of the tea warped her ability to find that balance, making her much more compliant and ready to do whatever it takes to help others, even if it affects her negatively.



Garbone’s goal is to finally live freely as themself, whatever that may entail.   Havre’s goal is to find the right balance of trusting others and staying cautious.



Garbone Benoist, and Havre Miç


Ryo Osumi


Jaryn Osumi


Akae La’et


Cassius Benoist



As Garbone learns to accept themself as they are, there’s always the threat of someone standing in the way lurking around every corner. Between a serial murderer on the loose, trauma from supporters of the murderer, an extremely controlling and abusive grandfather, and a godfather who doesn’t understand mental health, they need to tread carefully. This all comes to a head as they realise they’ve fallen in love with Havre, a queer centaur who’s helped them realise that they’re trans.   For Havre’s side of the plot, there’s constant threats of her good nature being taken advantage of, as well as the fear of being hunted by Lord Cassius as she knows he is extremely transphobic and doesn’t approve of inter-species relationships. She fears she may be targeted by the serial murderer as she interfered in on one of their plans that took place in her village.
Plot type
Side plot
Parent Plot
Related Locations

Cover image: by ArtisticArmoury


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