Coranan's Guild of Arcane Lore

Much of the inspiration and details is derived from Colombia Games

The city of Coranan’s Guild for the study of the Arcane.

It is quite large, with 12 masters and has access to extensive, excellent quality archives; however, the standard of magical training is poor.

The Academy only prospers due to donations of rich Senatorial and Merchant families.

The Church of Save K’Nor has the arrangement to share library resources between its Scholar Priest and the Guild members.


The Assembly of Equals

The Assembly consists of 5 elected Guild members of Shenava (Master) rank or higher, elected by a vote of all the resident guild masters. From that, a Seneschal is appointed. Decisions are made at the monthly meeting, and each member has an equal vote, with the Seneschal having a casting vote if tied.

Day to day management of the Guild is carried out by the Guild Seneschal.

Resident masters

Viran Poleryn Mendek – A Grandmaster Alchemist of no small repute. He is a renowned expert on herbs and all forms of flora. He has three apprentices and a laboratory filled with carnivorous plants. Guild Seneschal.

Shenava Alahanjo Silvan – A Master Alchemist, Satia (Journeyman) of Member of the Wizards Society of Jmôrvi and a Transmuter. Alahanjo is experimenting with adding minerals into his potions. He has one apprentice.

Shenava Tyler Breen – Member of the Wizards Society of Savorya and a Diviner. Married and shares a workroom with his wife, Zora. Their joint studies are the source of much gossip. He has no apprentices.

Shenava Zora Breen(f) – Member of the Wizards Society of Savorya and an Illusionist, married to Tyler. She has no apprentices.

Shenava Trion, the Brineheart – A Sorcerer and master of Acidic magic, claims to be a descendant of a Dragon. He has black scales over parts of his body and has no apprentices. A solitary figure who is studying his “bloodline powers.”

Shenava Myvan Oliumstin - Member of the Wizards Society of Fyvria and a Necromancer. Studying animation of the undead, a field of work usually banned in most kingdoms. However, in the Thardic Republic and the Kingdom of Rethem, it is legal, but there is much disapproval among the guild members, and it is strictly regulated. People avoid his chambers, and he has two house slaves to assist him. He is closely associated with the church of Morgath.

Shenava Arsitose Pham – Member of the Wizards Society of Peleahn and an Evoker. Aristose has six students, all from senatorial families who pay excessive fees for the tutelage they get.

Shenava Illgwive Nordaka (f) – Member of the Wizards Society of Fyvria and a Transmuter. Illgwive studies decay and all forms of rot and mold and is a member of the rich Nordaka Clan.

Shenava Rincewin – A sorcerer specializing in Wild Magic. A likable young man, brilliant, but his laboratory is best avoided. He has no apprentices.

Shenava Crippal – A master Alchemist and Member of the Wizards Society of Jmôrvi and a Transmuter. When he is not complaining about something, Crippal spends time at the Republic’s mint, ensuring the quality of the Republics' coins. He is not well-liked but is the Guild point of contact with the Republics Government and provided this service with minimal fees.

Shenava Nyomi Icara (f) –Member of the Wizards Society of Savorya and an Enchanter. The seductive Nyomi is an adherent of the Goddess Halea becomes very wealthy for donations from suitors. She has no apprentices.

Shenava Clajaor the Younger – A master from the Kingdom of Melderyn and a member of the Wizards Society of Odivshe and an Abjurer. Experimenting with water magic and spend a month with his brother exploring under the waters of lake Benath. He has two apprentices.

Non-resident Masters

Elzoldor, art by C Home
Viran Elzoldor the Prism - an old Lyahvi illusionist believed studying the northern lights.

Viran Seaross Thanga – Member of the Wizards Society of Fyvria and a Diviner. A famous traveler, he has been almost everywhere and has a story to tell.

Shenava Clajaor the Elder – A master from the Kingdom of Melderyn and a member of the Wizards Society of Odivshe and an Evoker. Experimenting with water magic with his younger brother but specializes in Ice magic. He has 1 apprentice.

Shenava Ilarm Ironhand - Member of the Wizards Society of Jmôrvi, Weapon crafter, and a Transmuter. The 60-year-old Ilarm travels from major Thardic settlements making quality weapons but spend winters in Coranan. He also has training as a monk learning the art of the Mánalfenír Martial Arts style and can harden his skin to the strength of steel at will. He travels with 2 apprentices who are also being trained in both the magic of weapon crafting and Mánalfenír.

Viran Arudia Solina– Member of the Wizards Society of Peleahn and Necromancer. The Grandmaster Seaross is closely associated with the Church of Agrik and is believed to be studying death spells. It is said he is able to imbue smoke with demonic spirits.

Shenava Teldar Verdolas - Member of the Wizards Society of Lyahvi and Illusionist. A rather weird character with very low charisma who trained in the kingdom of Emelrene.

Shenava Ove Hauk - a young talented Member of the Wizards Society of Peleahn, an Evoker.

Public Agenda

Study of all the arcane arts, including alchemy, astrology, spell-casting, psionics, magic runes, and blood-line magics.

Collect and purchase books of the esoteric art to add to the library.

Keep the influence of magic in the background.

No interference with local politics and remain neutral on all issues.

The Guild has a contract to ensure the quality of the republic coinage.

Support members of the guild in their research and activities.


Coranan's Guildhall of Arcane Lore is based in the City of Coranan in the Quilon District.

Imperial Archives – An Ancient collection of arcane orientated books and scroll, largest in western Hârn. Very Good Quality. This library is warded against fire; light is provided by special alchemical lanterns.

By agreement, the guild members of Satia-Mavari (Journeyman rank) can also access the Church of Save K’Nor Archives, although they not as magically orientated.

Large archive of minor and medium level magical trinkets and artifacts.


475TR - An ancient magic user Guildhall of magic believed to have been founded by Sylud the Scholar amalgamating a dozen smaller organizations throughout the Corani Empire, and for many years it benefited from imperial patronage.

The size of the archives was impressive and for a time rivaling that of the guilds Melderyni counterparts. However, during the reign of Emperor Shorka, the guild fell into disfavor after the arcane astrological rambling of Workol, the astrologer.

As it was recovering its reputation, events were overtaken by the Balshan Jihad and the short-lived Theocracy of Techos. Users of magic were actively persecuted, many said were sacrificed to the God Morgath. The ghost of the Seneschal Goalris of the Bright Flame is still said to roam the halls after he was murdered defending the library. Luckily the archive was deemed too valuable for the Balshans to destroy, so they were content only to loot, and they had plans to convert this guildhall into a learning center for Necromancers. Many of the ancient texts about the dark arts were lost, and it is believed most are still locked away in the restricted vaults of the Coranan’s Temple to Morgath.

Guild, Mages
Alternative Names
The Imperial Academy of the Sorcerous and Scholarly Arts
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities

City of Coranan

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Cover image: Wizards Header by Attacus
Character flag image: Arcane lore by Attacus


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