Great Families of the Thardic Republic in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Great Families of the Thardic Republic

Some of the most wealthy and powerful Clans in the Republic. All have members in the Thardic senate.

Clan Nordaka

Clan Elernin

Clan Nordaka CoA.PNG
Clan Nordaka, art by Columbia Games
Clan Jeredosta, art by Columbia Games
Clan Elernin, art by Columbia Games
A powerful expansionist Clan controlling much of the Town of Telen and the Coranan province.
Very rich and influential landholding family lead by Horbil Jeredosta.
Many say the ambitious Marshal Kronas Elernin is plotting to reform the Republic into an Empire with himself named Emperor.

His eldest son Senator Ryburn Elernin is equally ambitious, and more popular.

Clan Musbern

Clan Rylen

Clan Vanthes, art by Attacus
Clan Musbern, Art by Attacus
Clan Rylen.png
Clan Rylen, art by Atttacus
Clanhead Senator Kelen Vanthes who was once Halean priestess. She has a close association with Clan Elernin.
This family is growing in prominence due to its expanding income from salt mines and the oratory skills of its Clan head Senator Zanek Musbern.
Clan head Senator Tuvoth Rylen is an almost universally disliked character who gained his Senatorial seat by bribery, intimidation, and blackmail. He is believed to have connections with the thieves guild and is an open worshipper of the god Morgath.

Clan Udirel

Clan Aquil

Clan Asarn, art by Columbia Games
Clan Udiril, art by Attacus

Clan Aquil, art by Attacus
This large family is heavily involved in civic projects and holds a great deal of land near Coranan.
Clanhead Senator Cyzo Udirel is a very wealthy Jeweller and devoted worshiper of Halea.
This clan is split between the Monarchist and Consolidationist fractions. Clanhead Senator Farandin Aquil was recently assassinated.

Clan Dethale

Clan Dethale, art by Columbia Games
One of the few surviving clans from the Corani Empire. The family has three senators all Expansionists.

Minor Families and Knights of the Thardic Republic

Clan Cyman

Clan Nemirina

Clan Cyman, art by Attacus
Dame Lucia, art by Attacus
Clan Nemirina, art by Attacus
A minor Clan lead by Borin Cyman. The Clan's Tin Mine and lands have recently been return after being stolen by the Order of the Eight Demons.
The vast family wealth has been squandered by Senator Baloth Nemirina. Baloth has disappeared and is believed dead, leaving his son Baldil to inherit. Whether he has enough funds or influence to buy a seat in the Senate is in question.

Articles under Great Families of the Thardic Republic

Cover image: Thardic Republic Header by Attacus


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