Heroic Jara Organization in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Heroic Jara

Much of the inspiration and details is derived from Colombia Games.

One of the many Jarinese resistance groups plotting to drive the Viking Ivinian invaders from their lands.

Lead by Feriac Skily, a charismatic Jarinese Noble who leads scores of warriors which specializing in Robin-Hood-style brigandry, i.e. stealing from "rich" Ivinians and giving to the poor Jarin. The stealing usually involves killing if at all possible.

This has gained them fame and support from many oppressed Jarin Thralls. The Heroic Jara are considered just a nuisance by the Ivinian rulers although some of the more astute have noticed the increase in the size of the band.

Their reputation is further enhanced with claims Brigyth Cysemet, the last survivor of the Jarin lords of Quimen has joined this band.


Loose band of Freedom Fighters.

Leader Feriac Skily, a charismatic Jarinese Noble.

Public Agenda

Short Term

Support the oppressed Jarin population.

Steal from the Ivinian invaders.

Kill the Ivinian invaders where possible.

Kill any Crimson Dancers where possible.

Gain support from the oppressed population.

Work with other resistance groups.

Long Term

Free the Kingdom of Orbaal from the Ivinian occupation.

Restore the old kingdoms of Jara under Jarin rule.


Formed around 703TR from the escaped local nobility in the Quimen valley after the Sisterhood of the Crimson Dancer invaded.

Demography and Population

Based in the mountains between Zuden and Quimen. They change their hide-outs at least every year, sometimes every month.


It is not clear, they number well over 2 score warriors plus a small number of families offering support.

They attack in guerrilla style ambushes, if possible laying traps. They have become more skilled in these techniques over the last few years, only attacking if they have surprise and a numerical advantage.


The Heroic Jarin are devoted Ilivir worshipers. They may have support from wandering Priests of Ilvir and Bards.

Take back what is ours

Illicit, Terrorist group
Training Level
Official Languages
Related Ethnicities

Cover image: by Attacus


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