Ivor the Pale Character in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Ivor the Pale

Ivor the Pale

Ivor the Pale, named for his blotchy white skin and hair, believes he has had a visitation from the God Naveh's Demonic Cat. As a result, he has recently founded The Servants of Dekejis to purify the Church of Naveh.

He may be insane and acts obsessed, but he certainly is ambitious.

Physical Description

Body Features

Very pale, almost an albino

Special abilities

He is blind, but this does not seem to impede him in any way, as he seems to have the ability to see through the eyes of the many cats which surround him.

Apparel & Accessories

Brass necklace with a Back cat painted on.

Specialized Equipment

Skilled Assassin and Priest of Naveh.

Expert in martial arts.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

718TR - Ivor was a priest of Naveh who escaped from the temple after being selected to be murdered in a Dezenaka ritual. He survived killing his would-be assassins in the process.

719TR - After a drug-induced vision, in which Naveh’s cat, Dekejis, said the Navehan church in Coranan was corrupt and needed to be purified he founded a new sect, The Servants of Dekejis. He made himself as high priest and enlisted several teenage street urchins as his acolytes.

720TR - He took over the Blue Clover, a tavern, gambling hall, and drug den. The Blue Clover has been built over the remains of a long-abandoned temple of the Order of Khamar, an Agrikian sect declared heretical over 200 years ago, and Ivor started converting it into convert it into his own temple and base of operations.

Mental Trauma

His drug use may have affected his sanity. He believes Dekejis and normal cats speak to him.

Personality Characteristics


He has decided that he must “purify the church.” This will involve the death of all his former temple colleagues and, if possible, subjecting them to the “Stigmata of Dekejis.”

Vices & Personality flaws

Maybe a little too fond of the Drugs used during rituals.


Not the cleanest individual.


Contacts & Relations

A former member of the Church of Naveh.

Has three accotyes which worship his every utterance.

Religious Views

His theology is still developing.

Hobbies & Pets

He is surrounded by cats, his favorites being black.

Wealth & Financial state


Current Location
City of Coranan
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles

High Priest

Current Residence

Ivor lives in a squalid tenement with his 3 acolytes, former teenage street urchins who he is training.


Milky white. He is blind.


Cut short and white

Skin Tone/Pigmentation

Pale with white splotches.

Known Languages

Hârnic and Belsha.

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