Prince Jevas Toron
Crown Prince Jevas Toron
Prince Jevas is the future Monarch of Melderyn. He is a highly intelligent and charismatic man who prefers to make his own judgments rather than blindly follow his Councillors' advice. To this effect, he is very curious, seeking to learn as much as he can about a wide range of topics as possible.
He is married to Princess Eriel Milaka, sister King Andasin IV of Kanday, and has an infant son.
He has spent two years in the Elven court and started a two-year visit with the Dwarven court of King Hazmadul III of Azadmere.
Mental characteristics
Jevas has had the best possible education, organised by the Council of Eleven.
Family Ties
King Chunel Toron of Melderyn - Father.
Queen Trilime Alagaf - Mother.
Princess Eriel Milaka - Wife.
Ranald Toron - Son.
Chunel Toron - Son.
Princess Erynia and Daedrie Erynia Toron - Twin Daughters.
Princess Thaeklia Toron - Sister.
Princess Erynia Toron - Sister.
Princess Shaela Toron - Sister.
Princess Daedrie Toron - Sister.
Religious Views
Crown Prince of Melderyn.
A natural linguist. Speaks Hârnic, Jarinese, Sindarin(Elven), Trierzi and Emela. Has picked up considerable Khuzan (Dwarven).