Session 001 - Tale of Rebels and Ugly Flying Lizards Report in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Session 001 - Tale of Rebels and Ugly Flying Lizards

General Summary

Date 01 Nuzyael 720TR (Spring)

Athena Pallas, is a newly knighted member of the Sisterhood of the Crimson Dancer originally from the Kingdom of Rethem, but now living in exile in the Kingdom of Orbaal. She is traveling to Quimen Keep after picking up messages from a coastal village. She meets up with Yureb, a skilled Thief/Forger who intends to return home to Coranan to make (or more specifically steal his fortune). Athena has also been planning to return home as well, now she has completed her training and has unfinished business to settle.

Their last few days were hazardous. They are ambushed by a small contingent of the Jarinese resistance fighters on a mountain trail, the so-called Heroic Jara. Although outnumbered, the heroes dispatched their fanatical opponents. It was a close fight.

A day later as they entered into Quimen valley, several Scurgaths (Dragon Birds) were waiting. Flying silently from the trees, the small Ivashu hunters caught the travelers by complete surprise. One enveloped Athena, and its poisonous secretions soon paralyzed her. Only the quick, nimble actions of Yureb saved her life.

Baliela Shernath, art by Artbreeder
At Quimen Keep Athena meet with the Crimson Dancers leader, Akarata (Grandmistress) Baliela Shernath. The Akarata instructs Athena to act as her agent in the Thardic Republic, especially in the City of Coranan, to recruit new members and prepare the groundwork for the day that the Crimson Dancers will establish a presence (i.e., to plot and spy). She warns Athena that the sadistic High priestess of the Order of the Eight Demons in Coranan, Albalny Sunis, does not take kindly to rivals. Expect danger.

The heroes board a rather decrepit merchant ship, the Greyraven, and make sail. They are waylaid by a spring storm and an infestation of a swarm of huge insects, but they are otherwise unchallenged.

As the Greyraven passes along the Rethemi coast, Athena spots a familiar fishing village of Avonel, bringing back memories of her childhood. The nostalgia turns to rage as she sees the White Cockatrice on black, banners of Clan Hamlen hanging from her family’s Tower. Their day will come, She vows.

Arriving on the City of Golotha the pair make their way by land towards the City of Coranan, although ever the skilled pickpocket Yureb expertly easily steals some silver and a valuable map from a Guildsman.

Rewards Granted

Both Athena and Yureb gained second level.

Character(s) interacted with

Baliela Shernath, Grandmistress of the Sisterhood of the Crimson Dancer.

Forbidden Pathways - Campaign Complete
Report Date
01 Oct 2018
Primary Location
Secondary Location

Heroic Jara

Clan Hamlen

Clan Hamlen, art by Attacus

Cover image: Clan Pallas by Attacus


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