Session 120 - Bounty Hunters and Thugs Report in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Session 120 - Bounty Hunters and Thugs

General Summary

3rd to 15th Ilvin (First Month of Winter) 722TR

The story so far

The Heroes have raided a small temple of the evil god Agrik in the backwater village of Boreth and have "liberated" one of the Upprisa Shroud, a holy artifact of the good goddess Peoni.

They are on the run attempting to evade pursuit from the vengeful Agrikians.

The continuation of Session 119 - Dancing in the Fire.

Location - Coranan Province in the Thardic Republic.

Part 1 - Bounty Hunters.

The Heroes decide to return to the City of Coranan via the back routes avoiding major roads and settlements. Unfortunately, a skilled band of Bounty Hunters track them down and set up an ambush. They prove to be quite a handful, with Acheron quickly knocked out by the surprise attack and Avon badly wounded. The heroes manage to prevail over the bounty hunters and capture one alive.

Hevay, the Bounty Hunter, is interrogated and tells the Heroes that they were hired by the Order of the Eight Demons to track them down and preferably capture them alive. The Heroes decide on a Deception allowing Hevay to overhear their discussions. They let it slip that they worked for Senator Nolarn Siris, a well-known imperialist from the City of Shiran. Hevay is left on the road tied up. Hopefully, he will escape and spread the disinformation. Show Spoiler

Hevay does not believe the lies. He will report back to the Eight Demons of the Heroes' attempt to malign Senator Siris' good name.

Location - City of Coranan in the Thardic Republic.

Part 2 - The New City Guard.

As the Heroes approach the City of Coranan's gates, they are identified by its guards, a squad of the Sons of Gashang, a rather dubious mercenary company. The guards attempt to detain the Heroes, but Avon will have none of that and pulls rank. They have no authority to detain or even question a member of the Red Guard.

As the Heroes make their way through the City, Avon breaks off and follows at a distance spotting a suspicious character trailing behind them. He sneaks up behind him and knocks him out without anyone noticing. The unconscious stalker is deposited in an alleyway.

Part 3 - The Holy Artifact.

The Heroes return the Upprisa Shroud to the Church of Peoni and privately meet with the High Priest Jerom Borskin and Matron Aggatha. The Shroud is purified and secretly hidden in the temple's warded vault, with the Checked Shield Knights in the nearby Temple of Larani providing added security if there ever is a need. The Temples' leadership is hugely appreciative of the Heroes' efforts and gives them some healing potions. They ask the Party to look out for the other seven pieces of the Shroud.

Part 4 - The Commander of the Red Guard.

Azikain Gelber, art by Wizard of the Coast
Avon arrives at the Citadel, Caer Coranan. He is immediately summoned to the Commanders' Office. Azikain Gelber, the Warden of Coranan, demands to know "what the Hell is going on." He has received many reports from many Senators being questioned regarding if they any involvement with him. The Grandmistress of the Order of the Eight Demons has arrived from the City of Shiran personally asking after him and the Red Guard. There has been no indication of any legal action being made against him or the Red Guard, so Avon reasons that the Eight Demons want to deal with him personally.

Avon is well aware of his commander's distaste for politics. He weaves a lie that this is only political games between the Senators with him caught in the middle of their various schemes. His lie is very persuasive, allaying Warden Azikan's concerns, at least for the moment.

Part 5 - Brawl in the Streets.

The Heroes spot a gang of six suspicious thugs watching them in the streets. Avon confronts them, but his attempt at intimidation fails, and they attack. This quickly develops into a brawl, with the Gang eventually battered to unconsciousness. Many of the Thugs had Agrikian Style tattoos or banding, indicating that they are likely members or associates of the fighting order of the Cohorts of Gashang.

Part 6 - Moneypenny.

During his stay in the Dwarven Kingdom of Azadmere, Avon learned that Dwarven embalmers had trouble sourcing a rare rock salt used in their preservation procedures. Sensing a business opportunity, he discovered that Senator Zanek Musbern owns the mine that supplied that special salt. Senator Musbern owes Avon a favor after Avon arranged an assassin for him last summer, so he attempts to speak with the Senator. Unfortunately, he is currently in Imrium, close to his family's business assets. Avon decided to visit.

Moneypenny 4.jpeg
Moneypenny, art by Artbreeder
Before that, Avon determines that he needs an assistant, someone able to navigate the various financial and guild implications of his growing business interests and offer utility support for the party. After some investigation, he finds Moneypenny, a daughter from Merchant Family who also just completed her studied magic at Coranan's Guild of Arcane Lore. This talented young woman has journeyman rank in both the Mercantylers Guild and the Guild of Arcane Lore.

To be continued...

NPC Interactions

Hevay the Bounty Hunter

Azikain Gelber, Commander of the Red Guard.

High Priest Jerom Borskin and Matron Aggatha.


Challenges Overcome

Defeated 3 Bounty Hunters and 2 Thugs.

Avon dealt with the Thief following the Party.

Heroes returned one of the Upprisa Shrouds to the Church of Peoni.

Avon successfully deceived Commander Azikain Gelber.

Defeated a gang of Thugs.

Avon recruited a sidekick, Moneypenny.


Each of the Heroes received 3 Healing Potions.

Created Content

The Sons of Gashang.

Related Reports

Order of the Eight Demons.

Order of the Cohorts of Gashang.

Temple of Peoni - Church of St Mikkel.

The Red Guard.

Sir Crasel Merbed - updated.

Player Character Status

Acheron - Human - Level 6 Paladin and Level 3 Warlock Disciple of Mendiz.

Sabretooth - Unique Ivashu - Level 5 Ivashu Lord Barbarian, Level 3 Monk, and Druid level 1.

Avon - Half-Elf - Level 9 Thief.

The Uncivil War - Campaign Complete
Report Date
17 Jan 2021
Secondary Location

NPC Companion


Sabretooth's Ivashu Companion.

Chameleo, art by Attacus

The Sons of Gashang

Sones of Gashang, art by Attacus

The Red Guard

Red Guard, by Columbia Games

Order of the Eight Demons

Eight Demons, art by Columbia Games

Order of the Cohorts of Gashang

Cohorts of Gashang

Cohorts of Gashang, art by Columbia Games

Cover image: by Attacus


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