Session 135 - The Proclamation Report in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Session 135 - The Proclamation

General Summary

13th to 30th Peonu (Second month of Spring) 723TR

The story so far

Acheron has undertaken a quest to recover the Shield of Saint Andrada, likely in possession of Clan Sherwyn in the distant Kingdom of Orbaal.

The Heroes have begun their trek North along the dangerous Fur Road. They have just befriended a band of Anoa Barbarians who have provided them a guide who has led them safely to Leriel Castle.

Sabretooth has also agreed to deliver a tapestry and an important letter to the High Priest of Leriel's temple of Ilvir.

The continuation of Session 133 - Land of the Green Demons.

Location - Castle Leriel in the Kingdom of Orbaal.

Part 1 - The Temple at Leriel

The settlement of Leriel is a hive of activity. The Spring merchant caravans have arrived from the Northlands and are preparing for their journey south, as are the Ilviran faithful congregating for their pilgrimage to Araka-Kala. However, Sabretooth makes his way directly to the impressive Church of Sudelrhynn, the Bearer of Loam to deliver the tapestry and letter.

Llastefan, art by Artbreeder
After showing his paperwork, he is quickly introduced to the elderly High Priest Llastefan Trythe. Llastefan is impressed by the tapestry, it is a true work of art, but when he examines the sealed letter, he becomes more serious, wanting to speak privately with Sabretooth and his friends. He leads them to the temple's library.

He then proceeds to question Sabretooth about his experiences and opinion of the Ivashu trade for the gladiatorial arenas in the western kingdoms. Sabretooth and Acheron both strongly give their view that it is morally wrong and should stop. Llastefan is of the same opinion but is concerned that such a declaration would split the church and put worshipers of Ilvir at risk from reprisals from worshippers of Agrik. However, he believes for the greater good, he should make his opposition to this trade known. He resolves to during a ceremony in a week, making a proclamation condemning the practice.

The Heroes are concerned that he may have an '"accident" before this proclamation and insist on helping. Sabretooth will act as a bodyguard, and food tester and Avon will investigate potential threats in the village. Llastefan, who suffers from falling sickness, agrees to a medical examination. Sabretooth finds nothing suspicious and thinks he knows certain plants and herbs found in marshes and swamps that would reduce the severity of his seizures. He plans a quick trip to the nearby Arone Marshes to gather some.

Location - Arone Marshes in the Kingdom of Orbaal.

Part 2 - Good and Bad Plants

The Arone Marshes are a cold, dismal disease-ridden bog is filled with abundant plant and insect life. Maybe too much, two masses of vegetation move towards them; nevertheless, the Shambling Mounds prove little threat as the Heroes easily hack them to pieces. Sabretooth quickly finds the mind soothing herbs he thinks he needs. The Heroes return to Leriel, although Moneypenny looks decidedly ill. However, Acheron uses his divine healing to restore her health.

Location - Castle Leriel in the Kingdom of Orbaal.

Part 3 - A Division in the Church

Sabretooth visits the local Apothecary Kryste Methews to concentrate the weeds, and potions are soon prepared. These are given to High Priest Llastefan; hopefully, they will help his seizures.

Junabui. art by Artbreeder
Meanwhile, Avon and Moneypenny investigate the town, looking for any potential threats to the high priest. They observe a priest of another clerical order Junabui acting suspiciously. Junabui is a priest of the Order of the Ochre Womb and leads parties of Pilgrims to Araka-Kalai. Word has gotten out that High Priest Llastefan is planning to make a statement regarding the trade of Ivashu to the Arenas, and he is not happy. Some members of Order of the Ochre Womb believe this trade keeps the Agrikian forces in the Thardic Republic and Kingdom of Rethem at bay. Without this commerce, worshipers of Ilvir will suffer a much greater level of persecution.

Junabui has a meeting scheduled with High Priest Llastefan the day before he intends to make his statement. The Heroes decide to prevent any shenanigans. Sabretooth acts as Llastefan's bodyguard, Acehron magically disguises himself as a temple priest, and Avon and Moneypenny use magic to hide their presence. The meeting starts as expected. Junabui discusses the plans and logistics for the pilgrimage he is planning to lead, but then he begins to discuss the justification for the Ivashu trade. He argues, with some merit, that this practice saves the life of the faithful in the evil kingdoms. Frustrated that he cannot make Llastefan see reason, he tries to slip something into the High Priest drink. Sabretooth challenges Junabui, and a fight begins. Junabui is knocked out, and later the material he added into the drink is identified; it is not a poison but a brain stimulant. However, given Llastefan's medical condition, it may as well have been. It could have set off a violent, possibly fatal seizure.

Part 4 - The Prince's Justice

Junabui is bought before Prince Eamonn Marwyn of Leriel for trial and found guilty of attempted murder. Despite pleas for clemency from some parties, the Prince is in no mood for mercy. Junabui, who has little support is reviled by the local population, is hung in the gallows in Vavryl Square.

At dawn the next day, High Priest Llastefan preaches at the Church's pulpit as sunlight rises through the temple's windows. At the end of the traditional ceremony, he makes his statement, the Collatythe Proclamation. In this, he talks about the glory of the Maker (Ilvir's) creations and how immoral it is that they are forced to fight and die for mere entertainment. The Church disapproves of the trade of Ivashu and supplying the Maker's children to gladiatorial arenas.

This proclamation is expected to create a division in the church and among the faithful.

High Priest Llastefan thanks Sabretooth and friends for their help and offers advice for the rest of their journey.

  • All manner of flying monsters dominates the mountain passes to the north. They are particularly active at the moment.
  • At the end of the mountain pass, the Party will arrive at Geldeheim. This settlement is ruled by the King of Orbaaal Alegar II Taareskeld. He is not well-liked by either his Ivinian or Jarinese subjects.
  • Llastefan suggests the quickest way to get to Sherwyn would be by the sea. Geldeheim is a maritime trade center, and they should easily find a ship.
  • He warns that Geldeheim has a temple to Agrik, and its priestesses are close with the crown and take great pleasure in burning worshippers of Larani alive.

The Heroes enquire more about the temple. It was formally a temple to Ilvir but was given, by the previous King, to the Order of Kukshin and the Sisterhood of the Crimson Dancer. The temple is small but has an underground shrine connected to an extensive network of passages. Llastefan believes there may well be a lost artifact, a magical horn that can summon Ivashu, hidden somewhere those passageways.

To be continued...

NPC Interactions

High Priest Llastefan Trythe.

Apothecary Kryste Methews.

Priest Junabui Terwyn of the Order of the Ochre Worm.

Prince of Leriel, Lord Eamonn Marwyn.

Challenges Overcome

Killed 1 Shambling Mound and 1 Poisonous Shambling Mound.

Found the rare herbs to improve the health of Llastefan Trythe.

Uncovered a plan to murder the High priest and ensured the Collatythe Proclamation was delivered.


The friendship of High Priest Llastefan Trythe and Order of Sudelrhynn the Bearer of Loam.

Created Content

Temple of Ilvir - Church of Sudelrhynn the Bearer of Loam.

Collatythe Proclamation.

Related Reports


Player Character Status

Acheron - Human - L6 Paladin, L4 Warlock Disciple of Mendiz, and L1 Divine Soul Sorcerer - Gained Sorcerer level.

Sabretooth - Unique Ivashu - L7 Ivashu Lord Barbarian, L3 Monk, and L1 Druid - Gained Barbarian level.

Avon - Half-Elf - L11 Thief - Gained Thief level.

The Uncivil War - Campaign Complete
Report Date
21 Mar 2021

NPC Companions


Avon's able assistant

Moneypenny 4.jpeg

Moneypenny, art by Artbreeder


Sabretooth's Ivashu Companion.

Ringo, art by Attacus

Order of Sudelrhynn the Bearer of Loam.

The largest clerical order of the god Ilvir.

by Attacus

Cover image: by Attacus


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Mar 28, 2021 19:44 by MrGunn

I'm impressed our heroes did not murder Junabui, instead, they held him over for prosecution. Nicely done!

Thanks!   MrGunn [email protected]
Mar 29, 2021 03:07

Yes, the Heroes did show some restraint, it probably would have looked bad killing the man in front of the old guy in a church library. Less legal complication