Session 172 - The Blood Drinker Report in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Session 172 - The Blood Drinker

General Summary

17th and 18th of Nolus (First Month of Summer) 723TR

The story so far

Jolanta, and her trusty bodyguard Blaine, are agents of the mysterious Order of the White Hand, hunting down unscrupulous mages and covering up magical mishaps.

This is the continuation of Session 171 - A Petty Dispute Among Lords.

Location City of Tashal in the Kingdom of Kaldor.

Part 1 - A Surprise Visitor

Jolanta has developed an interest in Earthmasters artifacts and has discovered that one may be able to capture and store images, the Ivory Specularum. After a month of diligent investigation, she thinks she has learned its last known location.

Satisfied when she returns to her accommodation to find she has a guest waiting for her, an old friend Rodolk Czurger the Rydequelyn Agent. Roldolk is a skilled inquisitor who hunts down hidden cults and worshipers of the evil gods in the "good" kingdoms. He was impressed when he learned that Jolanta recently drove off an undead warlock and saved the cities small dwarven population (refer Session 169 - Digging up the Roots). He asks if she would be willing to help him with his latest investigation. Dead bodies have been discovered in the village of Athten, drained of blood.

Location - Athten Manor, near Minarsis Castle in Kaldor.

Part 2 - The Bodies

At Athten, the investigators immediately visit the local chapel of Peoni; its priest, Father Tailor, is expecting them. They learn that the bodies have indeed be drained of blood; each has an oval-shaped series of puncher wounds with a deep bite mark in the center. Strangely the bodies were in an advanced state of rigor mortis.

The first victim was Odelina Ventrisse, a local spinster and busy body who died 10 days ago. A search of her home suggests that someone had broken in through a window. Jolanta suspects that she was killed elsewhere, and her body placed back in her home.

The second victim was the vagrant Ilbert killed 7 days ago and found outside the chapel. There are scuff makes in the ground, indicating that the body was dragged to that location at night.

The last victim was Anfroy Blithe; an old farmer killed 6 days ago. His body was found in his field again with drag marks, indicating he had been murdered elsewhere.

Unfortunately, the bodies have been buried, and the investigators find no other clues.

Agents of the White Hand - Campaign Complete
Report Date
02 Sep 2021
Secondary Location

NPC Companions


Jolanta's loyal and often drunk bodyguard.

Blaine, art by Artur Sadlos

Rodolk Czurger

Agent and Insquistor of the Order of Rydequelyn.

Rodolk, art by Artbreeder

Part 3 - Entertaining at the Inn

Rodolk and Jolanta visit the White Rose Inn. They immediately note goods of travelers are being sold. Someone has disappeared and not returned to collect their belongings. Rodolk plans to entertain that night, telling dark stores of flesh-eating monsters close enough to the truth to hopefully elicit a guilty response. Jolanta is asked to carefully surveys the crowd.

Raimond, art by Artbreeder
A group of thugs in the corner seem to have a sullen guilty look, but a farmer drinking at the bar by himself develops a suspicious twitch and refuses to look anyone in the eyes. Jolanta goes to the bar, buys a drink for Blaine, and "lets slip" to the barkeep that she is in danger and needs a safe place to stay.

As she leaves the Inn, the man at the bar, the farmer Raimond Brychan approaches her. He has a warm and safe barn she and Blaine can use if she wants. Jolanta and Blaine of course take up his offer.

Part 4 - House Guests

At the farm's house, in the southwest of the village, Raimond offers the party some wine while Rodolk sneaks up and observes the events from behind a nearby well. Blaine partakes, luckily his robust constitution and lifelong tolerance to alcohol hold him in good stead. The wine is poisoned with a potent sleeping drug, but he is barely affected. Jolanta declines to drink. The pair returns to a warm, clean barn to rest for the night. Around midnight, with Blaine's snoring loudly, Raimond sneaks into and wacks Jolanta over the head. She pretends to fall unconscious.

Jolanta is dragged next to a large trap door, which opens to a 20ft deep shaft into a cavern. An alien voice whispers, "Food," the three huge spiked tentacles emerge. Jolanta springs into action and puts up a magical defense. Rodolk and a still sleepy Blaine charge in and start hacking at the tentacles. A tentacle hits Blaine, and it attaches and starts sucking his blood, at the same time rapidly healing any damage done by the heroes blades. Rodolk and Jolanta send blasting spells down the shaft with little obvious little effect. So Jolanta conjures a series of spinning blades halfway down the shaft, which eventually chops the tentacles to pieces freeing Blaine.

Raimond, after receiving a few punches, surrenders and collapses into a blubbering pathetic mess. He begs for help, his wife and daughter are held captive by the monster, and he has to provide food for it; otherwise, it will eat them. It's been weeks, and occasionally he still hears their screams for help.

Part 5 - Caverns

by Wizards of the Coast
Using rope and wall, the trio makes their way down the shaft into a small series of caves and the smell of death. Soon they hear a strange female voice beg for help, but what emerges into the light is completely unexpected. A levitating ball of flesh with one eye, no mouth, and a dozen of 20ft long spiked tentacles. The Death Kiss tentacles hit each of the heroes and attach then start to drain blood. Rodolk and Jolanta manage to escape, but Blaine is captured. Rodolk's distractions and charms repeatably fail, although Jolanta holds the monstrosity at bay with more conjured blades. Rodolk changes tactics and uses Freedom of Movement on Blaine, which allows him to slips free of the monster's grapple. Blaine then attempts to distract it, dodging all the attacks while Jolanta blasts the creature with her disintegration spells. Unable to drain any more blood to heal itself, the creature starts to grow weak and retreats into darkness. Jolanta follows. Without a light source, she shoots Corrosive Rays into a direction she thinks the creature is lurking, hitting and killing it.

Searching the caves, the heroes find the withered corpses of several merchants and, sadly Raimond's wife and daughter. They have been dead for weeks.

Part 6 - Justice

The lord of Athten Manor, Sir Aswain, is appalled at Raimond's actions. Despite his pathetic confession, he is not willing to consider mercy and is quickly hung. The entrance to the underground cavern is sealed. Rodolk thanks Jolnata for her help, to the whereabouts of the dwarf killing undead warlock he will let her know.

To be continued.

NPC Interactions

Rodolk Czurger, Rydequelyn Agent.

Father Tailor.

Lord Aswain.

Raimond Brychan.

Challenges Overcome

Killed the Death Kiss.

Created Content

Rodolk Czurger, Rydequelyn Agent.

Player Character Status

Jolanta - Human - Level 8 Evoker.

Cover image: White hand, art by Attacus by Attacus


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Sep 10, 2021 10:36

I straight away assumed it was going to be a vampire, I was totally wrong.   Aemon

Sep 11, 2021 01:23

That was my plan, make it look like a vampire, then throw a tentacle monster at the characters. Hopefully, catching them by surprise. As always, thanks for the support and favorites.