Session 178 - The Bounty

General Summary

21st and 23rd of Larane (Second Month of Summer) 723TR

The story so far

Jolanta and Blaine, Order of the White Hand agents, have emerged from the caverns under Trobridge with many wondrous magical items. Now they have to return home safely to study them

This is the continuation of Session 177 - Caverns of the Foulspawner.

Location - Trobridge Inn an outpost of the Kingdom of Kaldor.

Part 1 - Unwell

Jolanta is unwell, the cough she acquired during her exploration of the caverns beneath Trobridge is getting worse, and she has developed a fever. The concerned Blaine seeks out the local physician for help. Hadael Kardy, a physician from Melderyn, proves to be a remarkably skilled doctor for this isolated and small settlement. He quickly diagnoses her illness while making an accurate deduction as to where she acquired it. She feels considerably better after a day's bed rest and his healing elixirs.

Location - The The Salt Route near Trobridge Inn.

Part 2 - Bounty Hunters

The characters trip along the Salt Route starts badly as they walk into an ambush. The three bounty hunters that the characters so skillfully avoided a few days ago (refer to Session 175 - Trouble At Trobridge) are waiting for them, and this time they have a new "special" companion. They attack with complete surprise, and Blaine narrowly avoids being murdered. However, things initially go poorly for the villains, but soon their luck starts to shift. The new team member is an older man hiding on the ridge above, who happens to be a skilled sorcerer with Counterspell, which negates all of Jolanta's magical attacks.

Nonetheless, she temporarily escapes the melee, out of sight of the Sorcerer, turns Invisible, only to have this Dispelled when she returns to the battle. She barely has enough time to put up her psionic power of Negation, which will block the Sorcerer's magic. Now she can unleash the full force of her magical abilities.

Unfortunately, she is stuck on the head by a well-timed blow from the strongest-looking bounty hunter and knocked unconscious. The bounty hunter pointing at Blaine tells his companions to "kill the fat man." Thinking he is of no value to Jolanta dead, he cuts one down one of his opponents and makes his escape.

Part 3 - A Cases of Mistaken Identity

Jolanta awakens tied up and gagged. Pretending to be asleep, she assesses her captives for weakness. The Sorcerer looks depleted of most of his magical ability but still has enough magic to cast a Sending spell to someone far away. "The Mistress will be here for her in the morning," he says after receiving a reply. Jolanta tries to escape her bonds, but they are too strong and tight. Pretending to be thirsty, she asks for water but is closely watched by her captives with their weapons ready to strike. "Don't try any magic tricks, Quazzy," they warn her.

Jolanta vaguely recalls a warlock on the Renegade Spellcaster List called Quazzy, who also has white hair. Frustratingly they believe she is that woman and refuse to listen to any arguments to the contrary. The Sorcerer must be one of the infamous Raven Cultists, a secretive organization the Order of the White Hand has only recently become aware of.

Part 4 - Blaine to The Rescue

Blaine attempts to follow the Bounty Hunters at a safe distance but quickly loses track of them. With no other options, he jogs back to Trobridge Inn and seeks out help.

He quickly contacts his former enemies and now drinking companions, who work as guards for the Lord of Trobridge. Ned, Pallas, Stinker, and Dwain are easily convinced to help after being offered a favor in the future and, more importantly, a generous reward. Ned, a powerful brute of a man, is also a skilled woodman and quickly finds the bounty hunter's trail. At midnight they spot their campfire.

Part 5 - Escape

Blaine and friends attempt to sneak up on the camp, but Pallas trips over his feet, alerting the Bounty Hunters. The fight starts with the Raven Cultist conjures Swarms of Rending Claws, which nearly Kills Ned and badly hurts Blaine. Luckily Dwain sneaks up on the camp from the other side and cuts Jolanta bonds. She escapes and unleashes a Corrosive Blast from a safe distance, nearly dispatching the Raven Cultist and finishing off one of the bounty hunters. Ned throws and hand-axe through the cultist's head, instantly killing him. Outnumbered, the remaining Bounty Hunter put up a good fight but soon falls.

Jolanta happily rewards the men for their timely rescue, and the characters make their escape before this mysterious Mistress arrives.

To be continued.

NPC Interactions

Physician Hadael Kardy

Blaine's old friends Ned, Pallas, Stinker, and Dwain.

Challenges Overcome

Killed 3 Bounty Hunters and 1 Raven Cultist.

Related Reports

Trobridge Inn - Updated.

List of Renegade Spellcasters.

Player Character Status

Jolanta - Human - Level 9 Evoker.

Agents of the White Hand - Campaign Complete
Report Date
22 Sep 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location

NPC Companion


Jolanta's loyal and often drunk bodyguard.

Blaine, art by Artur Sadlos

Cover image: White hand, art by Attacus by Attacus


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Sep 29, 2021 17:07 by MrGunn

'Quazzy' a cross over episode, so exciting! Luv me some Blaine! Some of the best RPGing can be had helping and being helped by trusted NPCs. Had a terrible GM, in a very boring CoC Masks of Nyarlhotep campaign. He did not understand the importance of NPCs and killed off two beloved NPC followers the PCs had saved and were now loyal to the party. The campaign broke down, thankfully before I had to quit, because the couple who had been in the group disintegrated because, according to the gossip; the woman decided to start sleeping with her new boyfriend before getting rid of the current one. What mess :/ Also why I read a lot about being a good GM, Robin D Laws, Sly Flourish, Guy Flanders etc.

Thanks!   MrGunn [email protected]
Oct 1, 2021 05:59

I had my share of bad DM’s as well. My original Harn campaign started with the fallout of that.   Introducing the players to interesting NPC’s can be hit or miss. Some they seem to connect with, and others they show 0 interest. Anyway, I have found the new D&D rules for sidekicks are quite useful, makes adventuring companions who are helpful but don’t overshadow the heroes.   I also watch a lot of DM advice channels as well. I like Sly Flourish, Guy Flanders and purchase their books to show support. I just joined Guy’s Kickstarter as well and thinking about joining Sly’s. One of my favorite channels is Professor Dungeonmaster.

Oct 1, 2021 16:31 by MrGunn

Brilliant! I purchased the Guy Kickstarter too. I will check out Professor DM.

Thanks!   MrGunn [email protected]