Session 182 - Monster in the Well Report in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Session 182 - Monster in the Well

General Summary

10th and 12th of Halane (Second Month of Autumn) 723TR

The story so far

Jolanta, and her trusty bodyguard Blaine, are agents of the mysterious Order of the White Hand, hunting down unscrupulous mages and covering up magical mishaps.

This is the continuation of Session 178 - The Bounty.

Location - City of Tashal in the Kingdom of Kaldor.

Part 1 - It Was Swamp Gas

Arrilion, art by Attacus
Jolanta's magical studies are interrupted by a visitor, a fellow White Hand agent, Arrilion the Lexigrapher. The mysterious elf compliments Jolanta's achievements to date; he has read many positive reports. He brings a little magical knowledge that may help Jolanta's missions, the Modify Memory spell.

He also informs Jolanta that a fellow dwarven White Hand agent, Khâl, will be in contact shortly. He will need her assistance.

Part 2 - Mission 12 - A Missing Wizard

However, before this dwarf arrives, Jolanta is assigned another mission. Nirian Weva is a wizard of the school of Peleahn (fire magic) currently being watched by the White Hand. A year ago, he burned a peasant's house to the ground and very nearly the family it contained with his magic. However, there were mitigating circumstances as he was defending himself from an attack by cut-throat thugs, and he paid the peasants well as compensation for the loss of their property.

Although Niran is considered a low-risk, word has been received that he has disappeared. Jolanta is asked to check on him.

Location - Hetheron Manor in the Kingdom of Kaldor.

Part 3 - A Quiet Village

Shenava Nirian Weva has a cottage in Hetheron Manor near Castle Kiban. Jolanta arrives at the small and peaceful settlement and quickly learns from the locals that he is considered a respectable member of the village. No one appears aware of his sorcerer's powers.

The neighbors are concerned about him, not having seen him for several days, and happily let Jolanta investigate. Blaine picks the cottage's locks, and the investigators look around. They find a small tidy living space with a fire pit in the center and a large table. The Wizard's spellbooks are nearby, and it appears he has been researching a spell, likely fire orientated. There is evidence of a half-eaten meal, and the back door is ajar.

Jolanta collects ash from a burnt-out candle on the table and casts Ash Memories. This spell sometimes reveals important events which occurred when the fire that formed the ash was burning.

Jolanta vision. It is night. A tall blond man studies at the table, researching a spell and having a pork sausage for dinner. There is a knock at the back door, and a young boy rushes in. He says, "Help. Someone has fallen down the old well." The man runs after the boy.

An old well is not far away, strangely unused by the locals.

Part 4 - Monster in the Well

The well is almost dry. Looking down, the heroes see only a puddle of water and a bucket with a broken rope, so Blaine lowers Jolanta down with a rope and then climbs down himself. The bottom of the well opens to a complex web of underground passages, some very tight.

Suddenly a large rock slams into Blaine's back, then another. Racing forward, Blaine catches the shape of a large humanoid creature at the edge of the light from his lamp, before it disappears out of view through a very tight passageway. Shortly after, Blaine spots two glowing white eyes in the darkness. He starts to feel dizzy but resists the compulsion to jump down a nearby deep shaft. Jolanta puts up Negation, a psionic barrier that should protect her from magic, but is struck by another large rock and sends a Corrosive Blast in that direction the missile came from. She hears a howl of pain. The creature retreats.

Later from another direction, another rock goes flying at Jolanta, and before they can respond Blaine is mentally assaulted again. This time his will slips, and he falls under the control of the monster. He then goes after Jolanta with his sword. She moves around, trying her best to evade Blaine and the barrage of rocks flying in her direction. She catches a glimpse of a large grey figure, likely a Troll, before it moves out of torchlight. With no other choice, she pummels Blaine with some blasting spells to knock some sense into him. She is successful. The sudden shock and pain break the Troll's mental grip on him. The monster then escapes again.

Further through the passages, the heroes hear movement. Soon shuffling into the light are small, slow-moving fungi. These Violet fungi have flesh-rotting tendrils. Unfortunately, the heroes find themselves trapped in a dead end. They snipe a few off before they get too close, then rocks again start flying. Jolanta's Corrosive Blast destroys a few, then the Troll appears in sight, picks up the fungi, and throws them at the heroes. A mass of lethal fungi now surrounds them. Jolanta turns Invisible, leaving Blaine to fight the fungi, makes her way past and behind the Troll. Luckily in the heat of battle, the creature does not smell her. She then unleashes her last Corrosive Blast, catching the monster completely with surprise. This disintegrates the remaining fungi and badly injures the Troll. It makes a quick escape through a side passage too narrow for the heroes to follow. Blaine makes it to the passage entrance, catches sight of the Troll, and opens fire with his short bow. One arrow hit the Troll in the neck and killing it by the narrowest margin, just seconds before its regenerative healing starts.

After ensuring that the Troll is truly dead, the heroes search the cravens. Sadly they find the half-eaten remains of the Wizard Nirian and several other travelers. The Troll has been busy.

Part 5 - Research

Blaine recovers Nirian's remains, and he is respectfully buried. As a worshiper of Larani and having no known family, his belongings are given to the church, although however Jolanta is allowed to keep his spellbook and research notes.

Back home, she studies Nirian's research notes and completes the spell he was working on. She adds this new spell, a miniature Ball of Fire that attacks a single target and does not ignite flammable objects.

To be continued.

NPC Interactions

Arrilion the Lexigrapher.

Several Peasants.

Challenges Overcome

Killed 9 Violet Fungi and 1 Hârnic Troll.

Related Reports

Arrilion the Lexigrapher.

Order of the White Hand.

Player Character Status

Jolanta - Human - Level 9 Evoker.

Agents of the White Hand - Campaign Complete
Report Date
06 Oct 2021
Secondary Location

NPC Companion


Jolanta's loyal and often drunk bodyguard.

Blaine, art by Artur Sadlos

Cover image: White hand, art by Attacus by Attacus


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