Session 222 - The Assassin vs the Wizard Report in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Session 222 - The Assassin vs the Wizard

General Summary

7th to 29th of Halane (Second Month of Autumn) 724TR

The story so far

Jolanta, and her trusty bodyguard Blaine, are agents of the mysterious Order of the White Hand, hunting down unscrupulous mages and covering up magical mishaps.

An extremely dangerous Navehan Assassin is hunting Jolanta, so she has decided to flee, traveling to her home in the distant Kingdom of Melderyn.

This is the continuation of Session 220 - Tigers in the Halls of Light.

Location - City of Cherafir in the Kingdom of Melderyn.

Part 1 - Guild of Arcane Lore

Ceredig Yerwold, art by Artbreeder
Jolanta and Blaine arrive at the Chantry of the Guild of Arcane Lore, in the City of Cherafir, and are debriefed by the head of the Order of the White Hand, Viran(Grandmaster) Ceredig Yerwold. Although he is pleased with her achievements, he is concerned. Her first priority is for Jolanta to get somewhere safe from the Assassin, as fast as possible. Jolanta has a plan.

For Jolanta's strategy to trap the Assassin to work, she will need some mirrors or polished surfaces and glue. So she visits the city's glassworkers. The glassworker's apprentice recognizes Jolanta, it's Saipathion the Azer, in a new human disguise. Jolanta saved his life months ago and organized his new profession as a glass-worker (refer to Session 205 - The Baker). He gives Jolanta all of the shiny and reflective things she needs.

The duo then enlists the help of his old companion, the rather dubious one-legged thief Torgon. He is happy to do some honest work for a change. The group then hurry to Ligem Point, located on the isolated east coast of the Island of Melderyn.

Location - Ligem Point in the Kingdom of Melderyn.

Part 2 - Sea Monsters

When the trio last visited Ligem Point, they found a series of rocks with a magically concealed door into a dark, damp, and bone-strewn cave. This is where Jolanta discovered the Staff of Cryptan Seaweave. Here she plans to trap the Assassin. Unfortunately, strange monstrous sea creatures now inhabit the lonely site. A Sea Serpent guards the rocks and has to be driven off. Inside the caverns are large ugly aquatic humanoids, Merrow, which have to be disposed of. Jolanta later learns from etchings on the cavern walls that the mysterious water wizard-king Cryptan Seaweave had an affinity with these creatures. They played a role in whatever schemes he had underway before his death a thousand years ago.

Somehow, the Merrow can access through the magical locks on the cave's entrance. Jolanta investigates the magical locking mechanism and changes its mystical combination of keys. Hopefully, this will prevent any more of the perverted mermen from entering.

Part 3 - Jolanta's Ploy.

In the caverns of Cryptan Seaweave's ancient lair, Jolanta prepares her trap. She sticks the reflecting surfaces throughout the cavern and waits. Meanwhile, Torgon sets hidden traps on the floor. These should provide an audible warning if the Assassin was to approach.

However, Blaine and Jolanta fail to notice shadowy figures watching them. The shadows report back to the Assassin Jolanta's location, and before the end of the month, he arrives at Ligem Point. He then undertakes a series of rituals, increasing the potency of his poisons and enhancing his stealth. Jolanta casts Locate Person every day and finally learns that the Assassin is not far away. Unfortunately after all that effort, he cannot open the magically sealed door into the caverns. All Jolanta has to do is wait him out for a few more days. But she wants his dagger as a keepsake, the one with her name engraved on it.

So Jolanta decides to take a risk, which proves to be very nearly fatal. Hiding in the darkness, she magically opens the door and prepares her trap. Unfortunately, the trio fails to detect the stealthy murderer move in, skillfully avoiding the traps and sneaking up on the oblivious Jolanta. He rams a poisoned dagger at her heart. At the last second, she senses danger; her magical protection deflects the blow turning a lethal strike into a grievous injury. (DM's note - Jolanta was reduced to almost 0 hp and saved vs. two stunning strikes before she could act). The badly injured wizard casts Sunbeam, and the whole cavern flares up with light being reflected by the mirrors into every crevice. The assassin is monetarily blinded (DM's note - he rolled a 2 on his saving throw), allowing Jolanta to escape, then hit him with a Bigby's Hand while her friends come to her aid. Of all people, the peg-legged cut-purse Torgan jabs his short sword into the dazed priest side, killing him. He will get a bonus for his courage.

With some satisfaction, Jolanta examines the Assassin's corpse. She takes his dagger, with her name etched on it, as a souvenir then disintegrates his body and belongings. She very nearly died, only the sudden burst of bright light from her crafty trap saved her.

Location - City of Cherafir in the Kingdom of Melderyn.

Epilogue - A New Assignment

Jolanta returns to the City of Cherafir and meets with Ceredig Yerwold again.

Having so successfully completed her duties in the Kingdom of Kaldor, he is keen to send Jolanta on a new assignment. A more challenging and dangerous mission to the Western Kingdoms. He asks Jolantas to act as a White Hand agent in the Thardic Republic. The White Hand believes that necromancers are working with the evil churches to install a new tyrannical government in that fractured state.

To be continued in a new campaign.

NPC Interactions

Viran (Grandmaster) Ceredig Yerwold - The leader of the Order of the White Hand.

Torgon - One-legged former Pirate, now a cutpurse.

Saipathion - The Azer glass-worker disguised as a human.

Challenges Overcome

Drove off 1 x Young Sea Serpent.

Killed 4 x Merrow (including 1 x Champion).

Killed a Navehan Assassin-monk.

Created Contact

Nothing this week.

Related Reports

Session 146 - The Staff of Cryptan Seaweave.

Session 205 - The Baker.


Primary Chantry of the Guild of Arcane Lore.

Order of the White Hand.


Navehan Priests and Assassins.

Player Character Status

Jolanta - Human - Level 11 Evoker - Gained Wizard Level.

Agents of the White Hand - Campaign Complete
Report Date
07 Mar 2022
Secondary Location

NPC Companions


Jolanta's loyal and often drunk bodyguard.

Blaine, art by Artur Sadlos


One legged former pirate and smuggler.


Cover image: White hand, art by Attacus by Attacus


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