Session 279 - The Tattoo Artist of Lorkin Report in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Session 279 - The Tattoo Artist of Lorkin

General Summary

1st to 3rd of Saraju (Third Month of Spring) 726TR

The Story So Far

The rugged bounty hunter Cassius and his sidekick Salvador, the wandering priest of Ilvir, have decided to help Berda, a young dwarven woman from a wealthy family, on a quest to find a husband in the faraway dwarven Kingdom of Kuzjera.

On the way, Salvador wishes to restock his tattoo supplies from Illog of Maldwyn, a famous Jarinese master craftsman in the port town of Lorkin.

The heroes have also defeated an old Witch and removed a curse from a warrior. The Hag wants revenge and has trouble brewed.

This is the continuation of Session 276 - The Head of the Orc Inn.

Location - Anoth Delta along Noron's Trail in the Kingdom of Orbaal.

Part 1– A Disgusting Meal

The last leg along Noron's Trail is a single-day journey through the insect-infested marshlands of the Anoth Delta. Near the end of the path, the travelers come across a grim sight, dozens of gibbets filled with corpses. The Ivinian overlords of the nearby stronghold of Shese have made examples of rebellious or troublesome Jarinese peasants. A little further is a jetty from which the party plans to attract a local fisherman to transport them to the port of Lorkin.

However, something or somebody is watching. Out of nowhere, a creepy event occurs. One of the corpses chastises Cassius, telling him in with a vaguely familiar feminine voice that he has misbehaved and a special meal has been brewed for him. He thinks it sounded like the old Witch he vanquished yesterday and notes that the corpse has not really moved; his mind is being messed with.

Then, out of the river, an oily slick emerges, followed by a repulsive smell of burnt rotting meat and a sticky mass of half-boiled animal parts. It wallops the bear, nearly killing him in one mighty blow, then spits out chunks of rotten flesh infused with boiling oil at Cassius. Salvador manages to heal the bear, but the stench is awful, and the heroes are nauseated and sickened by the monstrous abomination. Whatever the horror is, it is eventually carved up and destroyed. Kurgan, after directing an insulting quip to the Hag wherever she may be hiding, joins the bear for a swim in the river to clean the filth off.

Fortunately, their stay is short; Berda attracts the attention of a Jarinese fisherman and, for a generous payment, transports the party directly to Lorkin.

Location - Port of Lorkin in the Kingdom of Orbaal.

Part 2 - Lorkin

Berda informs Salvador and Cassius of the political situation in Lorkin.

The oppressive Ivinian Clan of Geldestaar rules, and the local Jarinese are treated poorly. The potential of an uprising is high, and Berda cautions her companions not to cause trouble; she does not want to be responsible for deaths.

She tells them about the Spectre of Lorkin, a ghost of a Jarin Rebel leader, who haunts the settlement and castle, decapitating Geldestaar's, and their reprisals aimed at innocent Jarinese peasants have been brutal. Although Cassius is intrigued and would like to bring this Spectre to justice, Berda, who openly sympathizes with the plight of the oppressed, believes it is killing the "right people," Besides, she wants to purchase passage to the Viking Kingdoms of Ivinia and be gone as soon as possible.

Part 3 - At the Docks

The next day, after a night's rest at the Spawn's Hallow Inn, the travelers seek out the tattoo artist Illog of Maldwyn. Salvador needs to stock up on tattoo supplies. Asking around, the locals are unresponsive and guarded; they don't want to talk about Illog; then, at the docks, Cassius asks the wrong person.

While Cassius questions a pair of rough-looking longshoremen, a muscular woman approaches, wearing a necklace showing a symbol of a yellow keep on black, the Coat of Arms of the infamous female fighting order, the Sisterhood of the Crimson Dancer. She insults Salvador's god Ilvir, Cassius's looks, and Berda's height, demanding to know why the heroes are interested in the tattoo artist. Insults fly back a forth, and soon the woman and the longshoremen draw weapons and attack.

The heroes fight back but, noting a crowd forming around them, wisely refrain from slaying their assailants, instead using nonlethal strikes; however, their enemies are not so generous, going for the kill. Salvador pushes one of the thugs into the river, and Cassius shoots arrows into the legs of the remaining longshoreman and the woman, disabling them. Although bloodied, the heroes prevail.

Salvador generously offers healing for information, at least from the longshoremen, but he refuses to use the divine magic of Ilvir to heal the woman.

The characters learn that Illog, the tattooist, who is not usually discriminating as to who he works with, refused on principle to compose tattoos for a squad of visiting Crimson Dancer warriors and was dragged off two days ago by the outraged woman. The longshoreman says they are stationed in a ruined barn near the settlement. The crowd observing the fight disperses; however, the characters note that they are being watched by the locals, especially clan Geldestaar guards.

To be continued.

NPC Interactions

A few Jarinese peasants and fishermen.

Challenges Overcome

3 x Thugs.

1 x Squirming Swill.


Nothing this week.

Created Content

Nothing this week.

Related Reports

Sisterhood of the Crimson Dancer.



Player Characters

Cassius - Human Bounty Hunter - L2 Ranger - Archer

Salvador - Human Artist - L2 Cloistered Cleric of Ilvir (Change) - Eldritch Researcher.

NPC Character Status

Berda - Dwarf Noble - L2 Fighter - Sentinel.

Next Session

Session 281 - Blood of the Crimson Dancers.

Blood in the Snow - Campaign On Hold
Report Date
29 Mar 2023


The inquisitive and idealistic daughter of a wealthy Dwarf.

Berda, art by Artflow

Clan Geldestaar

The Geldestaars are a brutal offshoot of Clan Gelda, a powerful force in the Pirate Kingdom of Rogna.

They conquered Lorkin at the end of the Jarinese rebellion in 703TR after Jarin rebels had slaughtered most of the ruling Ivinian Clan Hjaida.

Clan Geldstaar, art by Clombia Games

Sisterhood of the Crimson Dancer

An evil fighting order of Agrik worshiping woman.

Crimson Dancer CoA

by Columbia Games

Cover image: by Attacus


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