Session 281 - Crimson Blood Report in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Session 281 - Crimson Blood

General Summary

  2nd to 3rd of Saraju (Third Month of Spring) 726TR

The Story So Far

The rugged bounty hunter Cassius and his sidekick Salvador, the wandering priest of Ilvir, have decided to help Berda, a young dwarven woman from a wealthy family, on a quest to find a husband in the faraway dwarven Kingdom of Kuzjera.

On the way, Salvador wishes to restock his tattoo supplies from Illog of Maldwyn, a famous Jarinese master craftsman in the port town of Lorkin. Unfortunately, Illog refused to tattoo a band of religious fanatics, warriors of the Sisterhood of the Crimson Dancer.

They have kidnapped him and holding him in a nearby barn.

This is the continuation of Session 279 - The Tattoo Artist of Lorkin.

Location - Port of Lorkin in the Kingdom of Orbaal.

Part 1– Murder on the Road

After assaulting and interrogating associates of the Sisterhood of the Crimson Dancer, the heroes leave the town of Lorkin looking for the old barn where the evil knights are based and presumably holding Illog the Tattooist.

A Crimson Dancer Knight on horseback is in pursuit, and she sees the heroes and charges. A quick battle begins with Salvador being nearly impaled by her lance; however, Berda's cleaving strike with her war axe and Cassius's barrage of arrows make her think better of this engagement, and she disengages and rapidly bolts away. Just before she disappears from view, Cassius delivers an arrow to her back, instantly killing her. Her horse continues running, with her body still mounted back to the settlement.

Battered and bruised, the characters decide to camp behind a series of trees with a good view of the road. An hour later, two more Crimson Dancer warriors arrive and discover the site of the battle. Cassius overhears them debating whether the murder of the Knight was due to the characters or the Aenghysa, the Jarinese resistance fighters. Nevertheless, the heroes are not spotted, and the women ride off to reinforce the garrison at the barn, the exact destination of the characters.

Part 2 - Battle at the Barn

Next morning, Cassius scouts out the barn. He spots four of the five Crimson Dancer warriors, several horses, and a battered man in a makeshift cage. He formulates a plan of attack. The heroes will sneak to the rear of the barn and unleash all of their ranged attacks through the back window, hopefully killing one of the women clearly standing in view, then deal with the remaining warriors on foot as they arrive.

The tactics work mostly as planned. The warrior standing near the window is knocked out, and the remaining warriors, although challenging, cannot coordinate before being massacred. One knight forces Salvador to grovel with her intimidating force of will, but an arrow to the head quickly silences her. The remaining unconscious warrior is murdered, and the captive Illog of Maldwyn is freed. After his wounds are treated, the horses are set free, and the barn with all the dead placed inside is burnt to the ground.

Part 3 - Illog the Tattooist

Illog, art by playground AI
Illog is immensely grateful for the timely rescue; he is convinced that the fanatical female warriors would have eventually tortured him to death. He is a serious man who has an intense dislike of worshipers of Agrik, with a particular hatred for the Sisterhood of the Crimson Dancer due to their involvement in the last Jarinese uprising.

He is concerned that once the Crimson Dancers find out about the massacre, they will be hell-bent on revenge. Also, the leadership of Clan Geldestaar of Lorkin will likely take their side in any dispute, so it is best he and his family escape the Kingdom of Orbaal as soon as possible. The Port of Lorkin almost always has ships in dock. Maybe one of them can take them, and the heroes, as far away as possible.

Part 4 - Escape

Illog and the characters return to Lorkin, noting hostile glances from the ruling Clan Geldestaar guards. The tattooist visits his house, hastily collects his valuables and daughter, and immediately joins the party at the docks. Berda then pays passage on the next outgoing merchant ship, the Arabella. The Arabella is, fortunately, traveling to Ivinia, the next port being the Port of Stimby in the Viking Kingdom of Menglana.

To be continued.

NPC Interactions

Illog of Maldwyn.

Challenges Overcome

5 x Crimson Dancer Warriors and 1 x Crimson Dancer Champion.


Illog supplies Salvador with Tattoo resources.

Created Content

Nothing this week.

Related Reports

Sisterhood of the Crimson Dancer.



Player Characters

Cassius - Human Bounty Hunter - L2 Ranger - Archer

Salvador - Human Artist - L2 Cloistered Cleric of Ilvir (Change) - Eldritch Researcher.

NPC Character Status

Berda - Dwarf Noble - L2 Fighter - Sentinel.

Next Session

Session 283 - Rats on a Raft.

Blood in the Snow - Campaign On Hold
Report Date
06 Apr 2023


The inquisitive and idealistic daughter of a wealthy Dwarf.

Berda, art by Artflow

Sisterhood of the Crimson Dancer

An evil fighting order of Agrik worshiping woman.

Crimson Dancer CoA

by Columbia Games

Cover image: by Attacus


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