Session 311 - Broken Statues Report in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Session 311 - Broken Statues

General Summary

1st to 5th of Halane 726TR

The Story So Far

The Esoteric Order of Lothrim is a secret society planning to establish a new mage-ruled empire, using orcs as foot soldiers.

The heroes stand in their way.

This is the continuation of Session 310 - The Coffin Maker.

Location - City of Tashal in the Kingdom of Kaldor.

Part 1 – A Genie and a Basilisk

Khâl, by Artbreeder
The Order of the White Hand agent Khâl considers what would be needed to improve the enchantments on the hero's weapons so that they will be better equipped to face off against the evil Esosterical Order of Lothrim. The dwarf's research offers an opportunity, J'moviloc, a powerful elemental associated with the magic of metal. This genie is said to be found at J'moviloc's Crucible, a cave in the hills southeast of Kobing keep, where the elemental energies are enhanced.

Local folklore has it that J'moviloc can be negotiated with and loves music. After a singing performance, a hero was gifted some of the elemental essence two hundred years ago. That may be a moot point; legends also document that Xulzret, one of the half-breed offspring of the infamous dragon Blackfang, is said to have moved into the cave. Xulzret is a cruel, vindictive brute, a dracolisk, a basilisk/dragon hybrid. Khâl advises them in the unfortunate event that a person is turned to stone by the monster's gaze, dousing him in fresh dracolisk blood should restore him.

Part 2 – The Musicians

But first, the heroes, who are sadly lacking in musical talents, must employ a musician willing to undertake a high-risk and likely high-reward mission. Fortunately, the summer season of events at the Tashal Royal Amphitheatre has finished, and many bards and musicians are now unemployed. Using street-level contacts, Dryueh identifies three candidates.

Rosta of Rynsel, a member of a large family troop of thespians. However, Dryueh hears whispers that Rosta can’t keep a secret, so he is not seriously considered. More promising options are.

Ricard, art by Paizo
Ricard of Thirlwell - a bard with a horrendous voice but is a much more talented lute player. Rumor has it that a former lover has gifted him a magical lute.

Sylvia, art by Artflow
Sylvia the Fair - a beautiful musician with a superb singing voice. She is keen to leave the city for a while.

The heroes interview each bard and give them an opportunity to perform, of which they both excel. Unable to choose between them, they hire both; Sylvia will sing while Ricard will compliment her with his enchanted lute.

Location - Hills Southeast of Kobing Keep in the Kingdom of Kaldor.

Part 3 – A Staff Fighter and Orcs

The party heads out and enters the hills of Oselmarch. A band of a dozen black orcs led by a grim-looking man wielding a quarterstaff attempt an ambush but are spotted. Syliva puts several orcs to Sleep with a magical song, and Valeria's Grim Tendrils, Blazing Bolt, and Vampiric Touch deal with an attack from behind. As it happens, the orc threat is minor compared to the man's fighting skills.

Rycon, Dryueh, and Valeria’s Shadow Hound, boosted by Ricard’s Inspire Courage, move in and engage the human after killing several of the foulspawn. The man is deadly, muttering an incantation his quarterstaff begins to spark, charged with a Shocking Grasp, and he delivers a strike precisely onto a weak point in Rycon’s armor. The knight’s body convulses, his heart skips a beat, and he passes out. Dryueh assists, and although he manages to awaken Rycon, he is struck by another well-delivery staff attack, this time enhanced with a Ray of Frost. Dryueh is knocked out.

Still on the ground, Rycon grabs his sword and strikes, inflicting deep bleeding cuts on the Magus, temporarily staggering him. Valeria arrives, and her Light spell's burst of radiant energy temporarily blinds the remaining orc, and the brute is quickly exterminated. The heroes surround the Magus, who has used up all this of his most potent magical reserves. He is still a skilled melee warrior but outnumbered is cut down.

Part 4 – The Garden of Broken Statues

After resting and recovering, the characters eventually locate a cave up a hill in the area described by the legends Khâl cited. Ominously, what appears to be broken statues of men and animals are scattered about, and the ground has large patches of dead grass and shrubs. The characters carefully approach, and then suddenly, the nearby brambles begin to move, and a mass of malicious vegetation lurches forward; one wraps a leafy tendril around Valeria while the others batter whoever is standing nearby. A large, enraged boar also appears and charges. These threats are dealt with, and the heroes examine the rubble.

The characters note that some broken statues contain treasures, coins, scrolls, and the like. It may be possible to recover these if washed in the blood of the dracolisk. Interestingly, one statue of a knight is in reasonable shape. His right hand is partially broken, and he may immediately die of blood loss if he is revived. However, Dryueh's superb medical skills may save his life.

Examining his shield and the pendant he is carrying, the characters make out a partial Coat of Arms and can make out what looks like a unicorn. Ricard immediately recognized it, that is, the symbol of Clan Melekan, of the Earldom of Osel. He excitedly tells the heroes that Earl Sedris Meleken disappeared hunting a murderer seven years ago. He was newly married and didn’t have an heir, and the king declared him dead; his Earldom passed on to his cousin Baran years ago. This perks the character's interest; they will try restoring him to life if they recover enough dracolisk blood.

But first, they must deal with the dragon half-breed. The characters devise a plan; Dryueh plans to sneak in and torment the monster, drawing it out of the cave. At the same time, the rest of the brave heroes will prepare an ambush.

To be continued.

NPC Interactions


Rosta of Rynsel - Jester and thespian.

Ricard of Thirlwell - Bard.

Sylvia the Fair - Bard.


8 x Black Orcs + 1 x Magus.

2 x Shambler + 1 Blood Boar.


2 x Elixers of Numbing on the Magus.

5 x Storm Arrows on the Shamblers.

Created Content

Nothing this week.

Related Reports

City of Tashal.

Order of the White Hand.

Tashal Royal Amphitheatre.


Player Characters

Valeria - Human - L8 Shadow Sorcerer

Background - Magical Experiment.

Archetype - Beastmaster.

Rycon - Human - L8 Fighter

Background - Rebel Knight.

Archetypes - Liberator Champion/Dual Weapon Warrior.

Dryueh - 1/2 Elf - L8 Thief Rogue

Background - Scout.

Archetypes - Vigilante/Medic/Shadowdancer.

Next Session

Session 312 - J'moviloc's Crucible.

Legacy of the Foulspawner
Report Date
18 Sep 2023
Secondary Location
Related Characters

Esoterical Order of Lothrim

A secretive organization of wizards seeking to restore Lothrim the Foulspawner's evil empire.

by Attacus

Clan Meleken

Motto: My shield is honor.

The Earldom of Osel has two major holdings, the Castle Qualdris and Heru Keep, and receives fealty from the Baron of Nubeth.

Clan Meleken.png

Clan Meleken, art by Columbia Games


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