Session 314 - A Clash of Wills

General Summary

25th to 28th of Halane 726TR

The Story So Far

The King is dead. King Minigath, after ruling well for thirty-three years, has died, and the power struggle for who will succeed him has started. Meanwhile, in the background, the nefarious Esoterical Order of Lothrim is up to no good.

This is the continuation of Session 313 - The King is Dead.

Location - City of Tashal in the Kingdom of Kaldor.

Part 1 – Dealing with the Troublemakers

25th Halane 726

In the days following the death of the King and the bloodshed caused by gangs of assassins, the city is wracked by fear and rumors. Was the King murdered? Who will be the new King? Will the transition of power be peaceful, and why are many innocent people being murdered?

Lady Bresyn, art by Artbreeder
Having survived one assassination attempt, Lady Bresyn Risai of the Order of the White Hand has hired an old associate, an overweight, slobbery, often drunk, but deadly bodyguard named Blaine.
Blaine, art by Artur Sadlos
She has used her network of contacts and unique Psionic Ability to track down the ringleader of the hired killers operating in the city. A man with greying hair, a goatee beard, and spectacles renting a room in a poor tenement. Lady Bresyn asks the heroes to eliminate him.

The characters enter the tenement, and Valeria's sorceress senses detect a lively building filled with urban poor families. They identified a suspicious room with three occupants. Using his physician persona, he knocks at the door and deceives the occupants into thinking he has the wrong room. Before the door is closed, he notes two well-armed guards and a man, likely a wizard matching the description provided by Lady Bresyn and a hired killer informer.

An hour later, the party returns, and Valeria turns Rycon and Dryueh Invisible. Dryueh picks the door lock, and the heroes charge in. One of the guards is quickly slaughtered, but the other puts up a good fight. The wizard Hastes himself and darts about, unleashing a barrage of dangerous spells, Cones of Cold, Fire Bolts, and a life-draining Enervation. Both Rycon and Dryueh are severely injured. Rycon uses his most potent healing potions to stay alive, while Dryueh relies on his superb stealth to dart in, stab, dart away, and then hide. Fortunately, his tactics allow him to avoid several powerful magical attacks that would otherwise have been lethal. The wizard and guard are eventually cut down and killed.

The room contains little value, but the investigators find a well-hidden notebook in the bedding. This consisted of a list of people to kill (most of whom they were aware of) and rumors to spread among the population. One rumor states that Lady Erila Kaphin, the King's mistress, and Lord Privy Seal, conspired with her son, Sir Tulath Kaphin, to murder the King.

Part 2 - Interesting Revelations

26th Halane 726

Lady Erila, art by Artbreeder
The heroes decide to go to the castle and inform Lady Erila Kaphin of the conspiracy and decide to have an additional witness in the meeting. They choose Constable Haldare Venera, who oversees the city guard.
Constable Haldare, art by Artflow
Lady Erila and Sir Haldare are disturbed by the list. During the conversation, the party learns that the King's will has been discovered, naming Lady Erila's Son Sir Tulath Kaphin, the King's preferred heir. Lady Erila believes this is a forgery; speaking frankly, she says, "His Highness would never name Tulath as heir as he is not suited for ruling." She believes this will would be viewed as a calculated insult to the King's other, more dangerous and capable bastard sons and many of the kingdom's great nobles. The will was delivered to the Royal Herald by a woman late one-night several months ago. The herald thinks it was probably Lady Erila, but his memory is foggy. Lady Erila denies it was her and believes it is more likely a mysterious noblewoman named Lady Gwadira. The Lady suspects something and knows more than she will let on.

Rumors of the will have gotten out, and it is reported that one of the King's bastard sons, Sir Malden Harabor, the Sheriff of Meselyneshire and Constable of Olokand, is enraged and raising an army. To make things more complicated, Sir Malden has produced another will allegedly written by the King, formally acknowledging all of his bastard sons. If true, this would strengthen Sir Malden's claim to the throne. However, Lady Erila is confident this is also a forgery.

Lady Erila and Sir Haldare want to learn if the King was poisoned. The Royal Physician says he was not, and the Royal Master of Esoterica also says there is no evidence that magic was involved. Lady Erila asks Dryueh to examine the King's body. She arranges a distraction for the royal guard, allowing the highly stealthy Dryueh (turned Invisible by Valeria) to sneak into the royal crypt. Shocked, Dryueh discovers indications of poison or potent drugs. However, he is not able to identify what it was. The important fact is the rumors circulating the city are true: the King was poisoned. Lady Erila and Sir Haldare are disturbed but not surprised and ask the heroes to keep this secret.

Part 3 - Bloodshed at the Castle

28th of Halane 726

Sir Koris, art by Artbreeder
The city is rife with rumors that the King was murdered. Some nobles are fleeing the city, most notably Lady Cheselyne, the former King's niece who also has a strong claim to the throne. Lady Cheselyne intends to meet with the Earl of Kiban. Then word arrives at the castle; Sir Malden Harabor has seized Baseta Keep and, with northwestern Kaldor secured, is marching his army south towards the city. The city is panicked.

The Sheriff sends a message to his younger brother, Sir Koris Harabor, the Marshall of the Royal Guard, demanding the arrest of Lady Erila and her son on charges that they have murdered the King.

Princess Meliem, art by Artbreeder
Constable Haldare Venera warns Lady Erila, assisting her to hastily escape the castle into the city with Princess Meliem Elendsa, the King's niece and Lord High Chamberlain. This results in Sir Haldare and the city guard clashing with the royal guard. Badly outnumbered, they are beaten, many are killed, and it is rumored that Sir Haldare has been captured. Sir Koris and the royal guard now control the city but do not have enough men to defend it easily.

Lady Erila and Princess Meliem, now trapped within the city walls, seek out the heroes while being hunted. Fortunately, they find them with guards in close pursuit. There is a brief clash with the royal guard led by Sir Damon; the fugitives, assisted by the heroes, escape before any blood is shed. They evade pursuers, hide out in safe houses, and sneak out undetected before the city gates are closed.

To be continued.

NPC Interactions

Lady Bresyn Risai - Order of the White Hand agent.

Lady Erila Kaphin - the King's mistress and Lord Privy Seal.

Princess Meliem Elendsa - the King's niece and Lord High Chamberlain.


Nothing this week.

Created Content

Nothing this week.

Related Reports

Nothing this week.

Player Characters

The characters gained 1 level.

Valeria - Human - L8 Shadow Sorcerer

Background - Magical Experiment.

Archetype - Beastmaster.

Rycon - Human - L8 Fighter

Background - Rebel Knight.

Archetypes - Liberator Champion/Dual Weapon Warrior.

Dryueh - 1/2 Elf - L8 Thief Rogue

Background - Scout.

Archetypes - Vigilante/Medic/Shadowdancer.

Next Session

Session 316 - Shocking Revelations.

Legacy of the Foulspawner
Report Date
10 Oct 2023
Primary Location


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