Session 325 - Alchemical Plots Report in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Session 325 - Alchemical Plots

General Summary

Spring 727TR

The Story So Far

The King is dead.

King Minigath, after ruling the Kingdom of Kaldor well for thirty-three years, has been assassinated, and the power struggle as to who will succeed him has started. Meanwhile, in the background, the mysterious Esoterical Order of Lothrim is up to no good.

The heroes have returned to Kaldor after a recruiting mission in the Kingdom of Melderyn. They have secured the employment of mercenary companies, Borromon's Foxes and Heagen's Warwagons, both of which are expected to join the depleted armies of Sir Conwan Elendsa.

Now, Dryueh plans to find and bring justice to another one of the trio of elf murderers he is hunting, the alchemist Hamauto, who was last believed to have traveled to Castle Nenda.

This is the continuation of Session 324 - The Troll’s Flute.

Location - Castle Kobing in the Kingdom of Kaldor.

15th Nuzyael 727TR

Part 1 – The Conflict Continues

Baron Orsin, art by Artbreeder
The heroes and mercenaries arrive at Castle Kobing and meet with Baron Orsin Firith, who briefs them on recent events.

  • The Earl of Kiban rapidly raised his considerable army and moved to lay siege on the City of Tashal. Earl Troda Dariune supports the former King's grandniece, Lady Merela Hosath, in declaring her queen-in-waiting. Conveniently, she recently married his son, Sir Scina Dariune.
  • Meanwhile, Sheriff Sir Conwan Elendsa has received conditional support from Earl Hemisen Curo of Gardiren and Earl Declaen Caldeth of Minarsas.
  • Baron Orsin has skirmished with the current Earl Baran Meleken of Qualdris, who supports the bastard Sir Malden Harabor for King. Earl Baran Meleken is isolated, and the former Earl of Qualdris, Earl Sedris Meleken, who the heroes rescued (refer to session Session 312 - J'moviloc's Crucible), has secured the support of several of his former vassals and joined with Baron Orsin's army. Baron Orsin intends to lay siege to Qualdris Castle. The mercenary companies the party has provided will assist.

The party is now free to travel to Castle Nenda to track down the evil elf-killing alchemist Hamauto.

Location - Castle Nenda in the Kingdom of Kaldor.

Part 2 - The Talkative Apothecary

Veloia, art by Artbreeder
At Nenda Dryueh learns that Hamauto has been seen around the township and spends much of his time at the local Apothecary Veloia's Elixirs. Veloia of Fhul supplies herbal remedies to the local villagers and makes a good business. She is immediately captivated by the smooth-talking Dryueh. She loves to gossip and holds nothing back. Hamauto rents space in her workshop and is something of a mentor, teaching her many fascinating recipes for natural medications.

He is traveling to Naniom Bridge on business after leaving Nenda a few days ago. Veloia mentions he also plans to visit some of the Jarinese settlements along the foothills of the Shorkin Mountains and an old abandoned dwarven cave network in which, according to legend, a nasty eleven-legged giant spider dwells. She naively assumes that the venom he wants to collect from this spider will be used for medicinal purposes. The party purchases some elixirs, including a blood-clotting tonic, and heads off to Naniom Bridge.

Location - Naniom Bridge in the Kingdom of Kaldor.

Part 3 - Naniom Bridge

Sir Luisan, art by Artflow
Naniom Bridge should be governed by a merchant consortium from Kiban. However, as the party arrives, they see banners from the Baron of Indama of Getha and the Knights of Redemption flying on the bridge. They quickly learn that Baron Indama has "seized" the trading post after the Earl of Kiban withdraws most of the mercenary garrison (to reinforce his army currently laying siege to the City of Tashal). While Rycon talks to the military commander, Dryueh travels to the Inn and asks questions.

Dryueh learns that Hamauto and his two guards (and two purchased goats) were here two days ago and spoke with some Taelda Barbarian traders. The traders are still nearby and explain that the alchemist respectfully wanted permission to travel through their hunting grounds and verify the location of the isolated Jarinese hill settlements and an entrance to an ancient dwarven cave complex.

Meanwhile, Rycon speaks to the bridge's military commander and, to his surprise, finds it is none other than his friend Sir Luisan Kelic, the knight commander of the nearby Knights of Redemption chapterhouse of Jenkald. After a friendly catchup, Sir Lucian explains the situation.

Sir Lucian's Ranger scouts (the mysterious Uthriem Roliri) have informed him that the nearby Orc Kingdom of Fana is overpopulated and could swarm at any time. If so, there could be thousands of foulspawn rampaging down through the mountains, and with most of the kingdom's military focused on the ongoing internal conflicts, the eastern borders are poorly defended and vulnerable. He has persuaded his half-brother, the Baron of Getha, to claim Naniom Bridge and provide support.

19th Nuzyael 727TR

Location - Foothills of the Sorkin Mountains in the Kingdom of Kaldor.

Part 4 - The Sorkin Mountains

The next day, the characters decide to follow Hamauto. They pick up his trail but are ambushed by some animated foliage. The Drainberry Bushes attempt to entangle the heroes and sap their blood through their hollow-tipped thorns but are quickly dealt with. Unfortuately, Valeria's horse is killed, sucked dry of blood.

The trail leads to a staircase cut from stone leading up into a web-filled cave network. The tracks show an individual (likely Hamauto) with one goat who recently entered the cave and returned without the goat. Entering, the characters cut their way through the webs and spot movement. Three aggressive humanoid webs-covered figures bound forward. Closer examination reveals they are long dead, emaciated, attacking with fangs and long claws. The Ghouls surround Rycon, and their claws shock his system, temporarily paralyzing him, but the undead is soon dispatched.

Exploring further, they come to a dead end. As they return, their escape is blocked by a gigantic spider with an odd number of legs and an oversized head with fangs dripping with venom. The Leng Spider has a hardy, chitinous exoskeleton, making it a dangerous foe. However, the heroes' superb tactics ensure that it is beaten back and severely injured. The evil spider is highly intelligent and surprisingly pathetically begs for mercy in crude Hârnic. The heroes have none, and the misshapen arachnid is quickly slaughtered.

A quick search uncovers a dead husk of a goat and several dead human corpses with treasures enveloped in webbing.

To be continued.

NPC Interactions

Veloia of Fhul - Apothecary.

Baron Orsin Firith.

Sir Luisan Kelic.

Several Taelda Barbarians Traders.


5 x Drainberry Bushes.

3 x Leng ghouls.

1 x Leng Spider.


In the Spider cave, they find a Greater Skeleton Key, a Greater Elixer of Cheetah Speed, and a Scroll with Summon Entity.

Created Content

Nothing this week.

Related Reports

Uthriem Roliri.

Player Characters

Valeria - Human - L10 Shadow Sorcerer

Background - Magical Experiment.

Archetype - Beastmaster.

Rycon - Human - L10 Fighter

Background - Rebel Knight.

Archetypes - Liberator Champion/Dual Weapon Warrior.

Dryueh - 1/2 Elf - L10 Thief Rogue

Background - Scout.

Archetypes - Vigilante/Medic/Shadowdancer/Wizard.

Next Session

Session 327 - The Dragon's Revenge.

Legacy of the Foulspawner
Report Date
11 Dec 2023

The Order of the Knights of Redemption

Hârn's newest holy Fighting Order who split from the Order of the Lady of Paladins after the unchivalrous and disastrous Solora Crusade.

Knights of Redemption art by Attacus


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