Session 349 - A Deadly Cargo Report in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Session 349 - A Deadly Cargo

General Summary

The New Story

Ash - An expert in the occult and a skilled monster hunter. Ash uses his talents and budding alchemical expertise to battle the things people fear most for a price.

Ryobi - A monk of the embattled Order of the Warriors of Mameka. Ryobi is given an important mission, recover holy blades containing the souls of his brother knights, lost in the recent Rethemi Civil War.

They are joined by Vinzent, a bard with a morbid demeanor and a haunted past.

Location - A small fishing village north of City of Golotha in the Kingdom of Rethem.

10th Nolus (Summer) 727TR

Part 1 – Rats on a Riverboat 

The heroes have been hired by the captain of a river boat, the Greasy Eel, to deal with a problem. The riverboat trades up and down the River Thard, and two crew members have disappeared. Only the severed hand of one of the crewmen was found in the hold, which was being feasted on by rats. The crew refuses to sail until the cause of the disappearances is dealt with.

The riverboat is large, and the heroes inspect it from all sides using a fishing boat. Nothing looks out of place. After embarking, the eerily silence is broken by squeaking, and frantic rats emerge from the hold and mob the intruders. They are clearly frightened and have to be dispersed.

Part 2 – Slime in the Hold

Ash climbs into the hold, trying to find what disturbed the rodents. It soon becomes apparent that two barrels of fruit roll over, and emerging from them are a pair of large blobs of sickly green slime that flow forward. Dodging a tendril, Ash escapes onto the deck.

The revoting fungi attack the trio, with Ash and Ryobi hacking at the foe and Vinzent shouting words of encouragement, shooting small bursts of flame from his brass flute. The Slimes are mindless, and their actions can’t be predicted; one suddenly lurches forward and strikes Vinzent, who, as usual, supports the team from the rear and is covered with the olive-colored corrosive ooze. “I’m infected,” he cries.

Ryobi and Ash eradicated the slimes; although Ash is injured, having received a slimy swipe to his shoulder, like Vinzent, he feels a disturbing tingle, followed by numbness. His skin is inflamed, and fungi patches are starting to grow! Fortunately, this slow process will likely take several hours or a day.

On investigation, it looks like the two slime creatures were once the missing crewmen, and they were infected with the slime spores after stealing fruit from the cargo.

Part 3 – The Crimson Hand Surgery

Kiron Osiris, art by Artbreeder
After receiving payment from the riverboat captain, the party races to the nearby City of Golotha. Vinzent knows a physician who can deal with this rapidly spreading contagion.

Master Physician Kiron Osiris of the Crimson Hands Surgery is willing to help, and his vinegar pastes and boiling water treatment easily deal with the disease before it becomes a serious problem. The heroes will not turn into slime monsters today.

To be continued.

NPC Interactions

Kiron Osiris - Owner of the Crimson Hands Surgery. A skilled surgeon with a secret.

Related Articles

City of Golotha.

The Crimson Hands Surgery.

Player Characters

Ryobi - Human - L1 Monk

Background - Temple Guard.

Archetypes - TBA.

Ash - Human - L1 Thaumaturge

Background - Weaponcrafter.

Archetypes - TBA.

NPC Companion

Vinzent - Human - L1 Bard

Background - Cursed.

Archetypes - TBA.

Next Session

Session 351 - The Sword of Calatrava.

Monster Hunters
Report Date
20 May 2024
Secondary Location

NPC Companion


He is a skilled minstrel who is infamous for his depressing performances.


Vinzent, art by Artflow

Cover image: by Attacus


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