The Order of the Warriors of Mameka

A feared highly disciplined Fighting Order who employ terrifying alchemical weapons and deadly consecrated blades.

The Warriors of Mameka are a celibate fighting Order based in Bedenes, Rethems most northern stronghold and are focused with crusading against the Kubora Barbarians. They are sponsored by the Order of Mamaka, Master of Steel who manufacture their terrifying alchemical weapons and consecrated blades, which make the Warriors one of the most feared military orders on Hârn.

Warriors are trained from youth to employ the “Strength of Brothers,” a sophisticated martial art that stresses mutual defense without compromising offense.



Akarata (Grandmaster)

Akarata Horab, art by Artbreeder
Horab Gerund is a renowned warrior who is over 70 and has led the Warriors for 20 years.

Meketa (High Commander)

Commands Chapterhouses and the Akarata’s Guard.

Telmen (Commander)

Dotelen (Subcommander)

Haragki (Brother Knights)

These are almost always of noble birth, usual sons with little prospect to inherit family estates.

Laumak (Brother Commoners)

Foot soldiers of the order. Many are trained as archers; however, an increasing number are instructed to use the sling to launch the order’s alchemical grenades.

Anasi-Terahni (Honorary Warriors)

Warriors and knights who become disabled in service. Most still serve the Order in whatever capacity they can.

Public Agenda

Conquest and exploitation of the Northern Peran wilderness.

Subjugation or destruction of the Kubora Barbarians tribal nations.

They plan to retake Kustan and search for the Sacred Cairns they believe was placed in Peran by early Agrikans.

Other Duties

8 Knights are assigned as personal guards of the Agrikan Primate.

32 Knights are assigned to keeping peace in the City of Golotha. Their word is law.


Bedenes Castle and associated manors.


The order’s roots have been traced to the Corani legionaries who protected surviving priests of the Order of Khamar.

634TR -The priests of the Order of Mamaka, Master of Steel, and the Warriors of Mameka, are officially founded with the primary base in the City of Golotha.

698TR - Bedene Keep is constructed and becomes the primary base of operations.

718TR - A large number of warriors while crusading against the Kubora Barbarians were ambushed and massacred. The order does not talk about this loss however is said many holy blades were captured and the Order says daily prayers for the return of the blades and the release of the souls contained within.

723TR - During the Rethemi Civil War (721 to 723TR) the Warriors saw little action until the Battle of Rylosin Forest where they mounted a surprise attack on the Earl of Tormau camp. They fought with honor withstood multiple enemy charges while being massively outnumbered and very nearly killed the traitorous Earl. Unfortunately this action devastated the warriors and they are now critically undermanned. They sued for peace after King Chafin III was killed.

Technological Level

The warriors are famous and feared for their Consecrated Blades, among the best made by humans on Hârn and their Alchemical Grenades.

Manakan Blades

The legendary Mamakan Blades are crafted only at Bedenes by the priest-artificers of the Order of the Masters of Steel and The Mamekan, a mysterious man said to be a direct descendant of the Holy Smith. These rare and potent weapons, called the Sykaif, are fashioned of uniquely patterned blue steel.

These Blades are consecrated in a painful ceremony. Embedded in every blade's pommel is a piece of flawless cherry amber called an “Ember of Ak-Syt.” The soul of the wielder and the blade are magically bound, greatly empowering the weapon. If the wielder dies, his soul remains in the blade, requiring a ceremony to release it to proceed to an afterlife at Balgashang to work in the smithy of Mamaka.

Alchemical Grenades

The Warriors use alchemical grenades by the priest-artificers of the Masters of Steel. These are either thrown or launched from slings. They are greatly feared.

Lesser Blades

The weaponsmiths at Castle Bedenes also create and sell excellent quality weapons. These are expensive but not to the quality of the Knight's Sykaif.

Priests are equipped with a sickle, modeled on Agrik’s Sycanus, for use in rituals.

Common Warriors are equipped with a short, viciously sharp curved dagger nicknamed “the Claw.”

Tenets of Faith

These Warriors have a deep spiritual toughness and discipline forged by painful ordeals.

They are warrior monks who take a vow of strict celibacy.

The Tiger is the holy animal/mascot of the Order. Two imported Tigers are located at one of the Orders estates, and whoever they end up eating is considered a result of divine judgment.

No Quarter

Founding Date
Military, Knightly Order
Predecessor Organization
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Controlled Territories
Related Ethnicities

Other Documents

Mamakan Blades, Alchemical Weapons and Martial Arts

Mamakan Blade and Bombs artwork by Attacus.

Articles under The Order of the Warriors of Mameka

Cover image: by Attacus
Character flag image: by Columbia Games


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