Session 351 - The Sword of Calatrava Report in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Session 351 - The Sword of Calatrava

General Summary

The Story So Far

Ash - An expert in the occult and a skilled monster hunter. Ash uses his talents and budding alchemical expertise to battle the things people fear most for a price. 

Ryobi - A monk of the embattled Order of the Warriors of Mameka. Ryobi is given an important mission, recover holy blades containing the souls of his brother knights, lost in the recent Rethemi civil war.

They are joined by Vinzent, a bard with a morbid demeanor and a haunted past.

This is the continuation of Session 349 - A Deadly Cargo.

Location - The City of Golotha in the Kingdom of Rethem.

15th Nolus (Summer) 727TR

Part 1 – A New Mission

Sir Bisidril , art by Artbreeder
Sir Klyrdes Bisidril, the Apalankh (the Supreme head of the Hârnic Churches of Agrik), the Senesharil (Grandmaster) of the Order of Mamaka, Master of Steel and the chairman of the City of Golotha's Heptarchial Council has a mission for Ryobi. Recover a stolen sword and the soul of a fallen knight.

A survivor of the Battle of Rylosin Forest, a mercenary named Ligard, has been overheard in Shostim (the primary seat of the King) boasting that he has Mamekan Blade for sale. Sir Klyrdes believes this is the stolen sword of the warrior monk Calatrava. The braggart disappeared before being questioned but is rumored to have recently arrived in Golotha, staying at the Trident Inn. Ligard is described as having a bald spot resulting from a near scalping he received during the recent conflict.

Part 2 – The Trident Inn

Ryobi, Ash and Vinzent visit the Trident Inn. The innkeeper does not want Vinzent to perform. “His songs are too depressing,” he says. The party notes that the large pool in the tavern's center is filled with dozens of strange, angry-looking fish. Bones cover the bottom of the tank; some are human. The heroes decide not to play the infamous Crown Game and dive in for a gold coin.

The party looks around the Inn; it is busy, and several tough-looking individuals are wearing helmets, hooded cloaks, and caps. Which one is Ligard? After charming the barmaid and gaining details about the state of the various patron's hair, the party eliminates several suspects, leaving two likely men. Ash proclaims loudly, "You are a Legend," slightly slurred to make Legend sound like Ligard, and one of the men reacts, thinking someone has called his name. He is the man, and later that evening, joined by his companion, he wanders the mean streets of Golotha. The heroes stealthfully follow.

Part 3 – Backalley Ambush

The party trails the men undetected and spots them entering a dark alleyway with only a few observers; however, as they follow, they are immediately recognized as men from the Inn. Ryobi demands to know where the sword is and gets into a heated argument. Threats are exchanged, but the men attack when Ash draws his weapon. The men fight well; one is killed, but Ligard is knocked out, tied up, and dragged further into a dark portion of the alleyway for questioning. Ryobi demands to know what happened to the sword. He requires an answer instantly or will be sent to the Cathedral of the Trials of Mamaka for questioning. This is a serious threat, as it is well known that the Mamakan Priests are well-versed in inflicting pain as they are forging weapons. The shaken man cooperates and says he sold the sword to Ansell of Taylire, who lives nearby. The house with ravens.

Part 4 – The House with Ravens

The party, with Ligard in tow, approaches the house. Above the door is a stone gargoyle, and two large ravens perch on it. Knocking on the door, a thick-beaded man, Ansell of Taylire, opens it. Seeing the restrained Ligard, he slams the door in the party’s faces. Then the ravens attack, attempting to pick and claw at the heroes' faces. In the chaos, Ligard attempts an escape but is knocked out. After the ravens are dispatched, Ash and Ryobi break down the door and enter.

Ansell has changed. He has taken alchemical potions, and his body has transformed; he is taller and more muscled, with his hands growing oversized with long-shaped fingernails. He lashes out, is surprisingly fast, and is quite a handful, but eventually, he is subdued.

While Ryobi interrogates him, Ash searches the house, finds an alchemist workbook detailing his recipes for mutagens and elixirs, and has a diary. Ansell says he gave the sword to his cousin in Techen, and the diary confirms this. Cousin Marden of Taylire is a journeyman weaponsmith who wanted to learn how the unique mamakan steel is forged.

The party decides to travel to Techen and have a word with Marden. As their captives have co-operated, the heroes decide to let them live; for the moment. Ash keeps the alchemist's workbook; these recipes for elixirs and mutagens are interesting.

To be continued.

NPC Interactions

Sir Klyrdes Bisidril - the Harnic Apalankh.

Helga- the barmaid at the trident.

Ligard and Ansell of Taylire.

Created Content

Sir Klyrdes Bisidril, Apalankh of Hârn.

Related Articles

City of Golotha.

The Trident Inn.

Order of the Warriors of Mameka.

Mamekan Blades, Alchemical Weapons and Martial Arts.

The Battle of Rylosin Forest.

Player Characters

Ryobi - Human - L1 Monk

Background - Temple Guard.

Archetypes - TBA.

Ash - Human - L1 Thaumaturge

Background - Weaponcrafter.

Archetypes - TBA.

NPC Companion

Vinzent - Human - L1 Bard

Background - Cursed.

Archetypes - TBA.

Next Session

Session 353 - A Soul Is Liberated.

Monster Hunters
Report Date
16 May 2024
Primary Location

NPC Companion


He is a skilled minstrel who is infamous for his depressing performances.


Vinzent, art by Artflow

The Crown Game

In a savage spectacle, the innkeeper throws a Gold Crown (worth 320sp) into the Blood Pit, and a brave soul dives in to retrieve it. Many a poor or down-on-his-luck person has sought to claim the Gold Crown and suffered a quick, painful, and bloody death.

After feeding, a Hygith swims up to the innkeeper with the Gold Crown in its mouth.

Cover image: by Attacus


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