Temple of Larani - The Sanctuary of Virtue

Aleath's Temple of Larani is the city's dominant religious institution and the headquarters of the Order of Hyvrik. Its Serolan (High Priest), Toril Elcher, is also the Turintesa (grandmaster) of the Order.

Centuries of conflict against Agrikans and Morgathians have made the Laranian church in Kanday excessively moralistic. This church is no exception and seeks to use its influence in Aleath to ensure the city is governed honorably.


Hall of the Five Virtues

The floor of this hall has a distinctive red and white checkered pattern, and the ceiling has a well-crafted relief painting documenting the city's history, with a religious focus. Behind the pulpit is a 10 ft tall statue of Larani flanked by five human-sized statues of Knights of Tirith and a statue of Mendiz.

Library and Scriptorium

The temple has a small scriptorium and an extensive library of holy text.

Holy Artifacts

Many priceless relics are housed in the temple under the watchful eyes of its Checkered Shield guards. These include the holy maces of the twin Saints Perdyn and Baryne, a boot of Saint Talroc the Missionary, the battle flag of King Andasin I, and the finger-bone of St Oswyn. A piece of the bloodstained gown of Queen Eriel is one of the most treasured.

There are also rumors of secret vaults containing heretical books and relics from when the city of liberated from the Morgathian tyrants.

Checkered Shield Chapter-house

Stables, a bonded ostler and weaponsmith, service the chapter-house of the Order of the Checkered Shield who act as temple guards.

The soldiers often provide help and security to the city's faithful and have a "friendly" rivalry with the city guard.

Vigil Chamber

This solemn vigil chamber is popular with the Kingdom's knights. It houses a badly damaged statue of Larani, dating back to the city's original temple desecrated by Morgathian's in 572TR.

A devout knight or cleric may perform the Vigil of the Agony of Aleath.

Vigil of the Agony of Aleath

Aleath was the last city to fall to Balshan Jihad after a brutal three-year siege. The “Butchers of Morgath” inflicted such devastation on the city’s population it will be forever known as the Agony of Aleath.


Holding a vigil at the shrine dedicated to Aleath's darkest days will grant adherents the ability to resist physical and mental trauma. Succeeding on a DC15 Religion check, the adherent gains resistance against Psychic Damage for 1 minute. This blessing can be used 3 times and requires a short prayer (a bonus action) to activate.

Temple Members

Serolan (High Priest)

Toril Elcher, art by Attacus
Serolan Toril Elcher, is also the Turintesa (grandmaster) of the Order of Hyvik. He is renowned for his inspiring, passionate sermons.

Suloran (Master of Archives)

Elgar Biaza, art by Artbreeder
Suloran Elgar Biaza, the temple's master of archives, has much experience with dark magics and curses, having studied them extensively. He has worked with the brothers of the Shield of Belsirasin.

Valaran (Mistress of Acolytes)

Valaran Nisa Reinis, is a stern woman with no sense of humor. She does not get on with the Obasaran.

Obasaran (Mistress of Secular Affairs)

The ambitious Obasaran Helara Ablaso also acts in the Serolan's place when he is away from Aleath.

Menoran (Master of the Fighting Order)

Menoran Sir Fulon Yara is an elderly veteran of Ezar's War who joined the church late in life.

Matakea (Temple Priests)

The temple has 22 Priests.

Ashesa (Acolytes)

The temple has 34 who assist the priest and temple masters.

Checkered Shield Chapter-house

Reblena (Commander)

Reblene Andar Gryst, an aggressive opinionated warrior, commands four Melana (knights) and 16 Meken (soldiers). All are battle-seasoned veterans.

Order of Hyvik

The Western Church of the Goddess Larani.

Larani Hyvik - Small

by Columbia Games

Founding Date
Alternative Names
Halls of Righteousness
Cathedral / Great temple

Order of the Checkered Shield

The fighting arm of the church of Larani, and the Kingdom's most powerful army.

Order of the Checkered Shield

Checkered Shield, art by Columbia Games

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