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The Eternal Empress

The ruling entity of the entire Nijion Archipelago, The empress has recived her position from the gods of the Archipelago. She is known commonly as the Eternal Empress but ritualisticly as the Divine Consort or the Mother of Nijion. The Empress acts both as the head of state and the highest athority on religous matters.


Every female child born to the current Empress undergoes a extensive process of education administered by the Empress herself as well as older direct family members. This is all a precurser in order to determine the child's apptatude for the vocation. It is not uncommon for some children to be deemed unsuitable for the coranation for one reason or another.


You must be the daughter or granddaughter of the previous Empress, The new Empress must be no older then 36 years or younger then 16 years (or its equivlent relevent to the race of the new Empress). The new Empress must also then undergo a coranation ceremony which saposeably transfers the "Eternal Spark" to the new Empress.


The Coronation Ceremony is held at the the Shrines of the Eternal Empress located in the center of the Archipelago. The Shrines are located on the two central most islands of the Archipelago one is known as the "Shrine of the Empress of Land" and the other is the "Shrine of the Empress of Sea" between these two Shrines there is a singular bridge known as "The Eternal Walk" with a altar at the centermost point of this bridge said to mark the spot where the first Empress assended and her mummified remains are still housed there. Whlile in the pressance of the orignal Empress the "Eternal Spark" is transfered from the current Empress to her succesor.


The Empress is the political, spritual, and sociatal head of Nijion


    The Empress is responseable for everything that transpires within her domain which comprises the entire archipelago. In order to do this she utilizes many subsidiaries including but not limited to: 
  • The Tetarchy:are her hands to help adminaster laws and police the archipelago
  • The Tanuki:are her eyes and ears to keep watch and listen to those who police the people of the archipelago
  • The Bushi:are the repesentation of her anger and rage to exact her vengance on those who seek to disrupt the peace of her realm, She also uses the Bushi as diplomats and emmaseries in foregin relations.
  • The Kupua:are the repesentation of overflowing bosom that feeds her children, The Kupua ensure that everyone in the archipelago remain fed and nourished and the sources of food and drink. Under the umbrella of the Kupua exist the equivilent of the navy and coast gaurd.


  • Comtrol over an entire archipelago 
  • A private milatary at your beck and call 
  • Control of the tresury of the archipelago
  • Concidered the highest religous athority in the archipelago

Accoutrements & Equipment

Elaborte weapons and regalia that denotes her station. The regalia includes jewery, clothing, as well as headwear, and cerimonial weapons which include a Daisho-Tanto, a Naginata, a Yochi, and a Nifo'oti

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

The Coronation Ceremony is held at the the Shrines of the Eternal Empress located in the center of the Archipelago. The Shrines are located on the two central most islands of the Archipelago one is known as the "Shrine of the Empress of Land" and the other is the "Shrine of the Empress of Sea" between these two Shrines there is a singular bridge known as "The Eternal Walk" with a altar at the centermost point of this bridge said to mark the spot where the first Empress assended and her mummified remains are still housed there. Whlile in the pressance of the orignal Empress the "Eternal Spark" is transfered from the current Empress to her succesor.


The First Eternal Empress is said to have been a preistess who came across a dying goddess, she agreed to be a vessel for the dying goddess but inorder for her to act as a proper vessel for the goddess sprits of nature inhabited the lowly preistess to lessen the strain on her body and in the process granted the preistess extrodanry abillities.

Cultural Significance

The Eternal Empress is predominantly viewed as that of a head-of-state/royalty/religous leader.
Royalty, Hereditary
Active, The Title has been used for centuries
The Eternal Empress is said to have been created by the consolidation of several natural sprits and a dying goddess into the body of a mortal priestess of the dying goddess in order to preserve her life.
Form of Address
Her Grace, Divine Mother, Lady Empress
Alternative Naming
The Divine Consort , The Mother of Nijion
Equates to
The Empress is the equivlent of a King and the highest religous leader encapsulated in to a single being
Source of Authority
The Empress receives her power and authority from the Gods of the Archipelago
Length of Term
Related Locations
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