The Nijion Archipelago
The Nijion Archipelago also known as the Sacred Spiral by its inhabatants is a large cluster of islands roughly round in orientation. The archipelago has two large islands at its center which acts as its capital in conjuncton.
The government of Nijion is a hybrid Parlamentary Monarchy/ Democracy. The governmental head is in fact the Eternal Empress, but the tetrarchy which shares power with the empress is elected from the general populace.
The Nijion Archipelago is an expansive cluster of sixty-four islands arrayed in circluar arangement the two centermost islands acting as the capital of the entire nation. Returning to the tetrarchy which contains sixty-two seats divided into three circles with two directors which are elected by the tetrachy at the begining of every new gathering of the tetrarchs.
The directors are the face of the tetrarchy. The directors are selected by popular vote and no one person could ever be elected as a director twice regardless if the person was selected to more then one gathering of tetrarchs. This was a decree passed down from the First Empress as a means to prevent one person from gathering to much power.
As far as the adminastation of the archipelago goes its a dialoge between both the Empress and the Tetrarchy. Regardless if the issue is raised by either party both enties must be consulted. For example if a new law wanted to be intoduced by the tetrarchs it would be presented to the the Empress threw the directors and then she will take the proposed law into advisement consult her advisers and return her thoughts back to the directors who will then bring her responce back to the Tetrarchy, and it would go back and forth changes being made along the way until both parties agree to the proposed law then it will be put into effect. Of corse there have been situations where both parties have reached an impasse. In the case of an impasse if no solution to the impasse can be found the entire proposal is thrown out.
National Territory
Included Locations
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Characters in Location