Court of Ice and Snow

The Court of Ice and Snow is where the harsh beauty of a frozen realm is a testament to its ruler's deep emotional scars. Governed by the Frost Prince, this court is an embodiment of winter's stark, unyielding splendor. The landscape is a breathtaking expanse of ice and snow, where everything is cloaked in a permanent layer of frost. Jagged ice formations and towering glaciers dominate the horizon, reflecting the pale, wan light of an eternally overcast sky. The realm is marked by an eerie silence, punctuated only by the distant crackling of shifting ice and the whisper of cold winds that cut through the desolate beauty.   The Frost Prince, the court’s sovereign, is a figure of chilling elegance and solemn detachment. Once known for his warmth and passion, he transformed into a cold and emotionless ruler following a rejection of his love. His heartbreak has solidified into an unfeeling demeanor, mirroring the icy domain he commands. The prince himself is a spectral figure, his form and attire adorned with intricate patterns of frost and ice that seem to shimmer with a ghostly light. He is known for his commanding presence and the austere beauty of his icy throne, a majestic structure carved from the heart of a glacier that resides within his castle, the Heartless Winterhold.   Inhabitants of the Court of Ice and Snow reflect the realm's somber and unfeeling nature. The fey of this court are creatures of winter—frost elves, icy wraiths, and snow faeries—each embodying the cold grace and emotional distance of their ruler. Their interactions are marked by a cold politeness and a rigid formality, a contrast to the more vibrant and passionate courts of the Seelie. The court’s gatherings are somber affairs, with rituals and ceremonies steeped in a sense of loss and cold beauty. Even the celebratory events, like the Ice Festival, are characterized by a haunting, melancholic grace rather than warmth and joy.   The Court of Ice and Snow is a realm of exquisite but chilling beauty, where the landscape and its inhabitants are a reflection of the Frost Prince's own heartache and detachment. The court’s atmosphere is both mesmerizing and somber, offering a hauntingly beautiful view into the depths of unfeeling sorrow and the cold, distant majesty of winter’s embrace. Visitors are often struck by the realm's serene, frozen splendor, and the pervasive sense of a love lost and a heart turned to ice.

Demography and Population

Bitter cold and resigned care fill every corner of this realm. Winter eldarin and frost elves have created settlements throughout the realm. Glacial giants reside in the cold mountain peaks. Snow squalls swirl with snow wraiths within them. Icy, crystalline ice sprites soar along the bitter chill wind. Winter wolves serve as the Frost Prince's guardians and hunters. Snowbound crystal foxes hunt the fey beasts that make their home in the snowy clime.


  • Respect the silence. Only break it when necessary.
  • No fire may burn in the realm.
  • No laughter or affection is to be displayed.
  • One may not invite guests into the court without the Frost Prince's permission.
  • No outbursts.

Cold echoes evermore.

Court, Noble
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Parent Organization
Notable Members