Court of Thorns and Brambles

Twisted walls of vines jagged with thorns and brambles reach high, forming labyrinthine walls throughout the Court's lands, while twilight lingers perpetually. The air is thick with the scent of moss, damp earthj, and the faint sweetness of night-blooming flowers. The twisting vines seem to shift and grow of their own accord, making it nearly impossible for uninvited guests to navigate. The ground is carpeted with dark green moss and blood-red petals, and the trees within the court are ancient, gnarled, and thick with knotted roots, their bark twisted like the faces of tormented souls.   In the heart of this treacherous court lay the Thorned Tower, where atop the Briar Throne, fashioned from living thorns and twisted branches, sits the Barbed Countess. Her presence is as beautiful as it is terrifying. She is a tall, slender figure draped in a gown of woven thorns and bramble leaves, each thorn gleaming with a venomous sheen. Her skin is pale as moonlight, with a faint greenish hue, and her eyes are deep, fathomless pools of dark emerald. Her hair cascades like a waterfall of black ivy, tangled with thorns and sharp twigs that catch the light like glass.   The Barbed Countess rules her court with a cold, calculating demeanor, her voice as soft as a whisper yet as sharp as the thorns she commands. She is known for her cunning and cruelty, weaving intricate plots and bargains that often ensnare those foolish enough to seek her favor. Her court is populated by a host of fey creatures, all of whom are bound to her service by ancient pacts or twisted desires. These courtiers range from elegant, thorn-covered dryads to treacherous, bramble-skinned sprites who revel in causing pain and mischief.   The Court of Thorns and Brambles is both a place of dark beauty and lurking danger, where every path leads deeper into the unknown, and every decision could be one's last. The Countess herself is as merciless as the thorns that surround her, always seeking new ways to expand her influence and entrap those who dare to cross her path.


The spriggan, Brae, had fled the Court of Thorns and Brambles after discovering a secret of the Barbed Countess. He was found by the farmer boy, Cian MacMillan, who went to the Gentleman's League to ask for help protecting his friend. The party gained the items necessary to open a portal to the Feywild and the Court of Thorns and Brambles where they found the Thorned Knight waiting. They dispatched the Thorn Knight and allowed Brae to reenter the Court to stop the pursuit of him, as he feared Cian and his family would be harmed if the Court pursued him further.

Demography and Population

There are few who reside within the Court of Thorns and Brambles who are not a direct servant of the Barbed Countess. Winter eladrin reside within the Court and make up most of the Countess' retinue. A few small settlements can be found within the twisting thorns, though the lands here are harsh to tend. Within the bramble walls reside bramble dryads, who serve the Countess and manipulate and move the brambles to trap or harm those who displease the Countess. Thorn sprites with jagged leaves of bamble leaves live within the briar walls, enjoying pricking and poking those who walk pat. There is at least on coven of Brair Hags within the lands. Those passing through unannounced are quickly met by the Countess's Rosethorn Courtiers--elegant fey who are grace and seductive, acting as emissaries of the Countess. But like their namesake, the Rosethorn Courtiers are as sharp as they are beautiful. Bloodrose wisps reside in the briars, looking to lead travelers down the wrong road, and echoes of the mournful wails of mire banshees can be heard throughout the brambles.


  • Never break a promise.
  • Any blood spilled by the thorns of the Court belongs to the Barbed Countess.
  • Never enter the Heart of the Labyrinth uninvited.
  • Never show true emotion.
  • Sympathy and mercy are not to be shown.
  • Do not speak ill of the brambles.
  • No one may view themselves in a mirror--they reveal one's true nature and vulnerabilities.
  • Do not allow a tear to fall.
  • Do not speak of love within her realm.

Mythology & Lore

No one god ties themself directed to the Court of Thorns and Brambles.

Where beauty bleeds and whispers wound.

Court, Royal
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Parent Organization