Goblin Court

The Goblin Court, an infamous and sinister Unseelie fey court, is a realm of chaos, mischief, and dark cunning. Ruled by the cunning and ruthless Goblin King, this court is a shadowy reflection of the Seelie courts, where treachery and greed reign supreme.   The Goblin Court resides in the deepest, darkest parts of the Feywild, a twisted, subterranean labyrinth of tunnels, caverns, and dilapidated castles. The air is thick with the stench of decay and the sound of dripping water echoing through the stone halls. Bioluminescent fungi and glowing moss cling to the walls, casting an eerie green light over the court's domain. The earth itself seems alive, shifting and groaning as though the land resents the creatures that inhabit it.   This realm is full of treacherous traps, hidden pitfalls, and malicious enchantments, designed to ensnare the unwary and punish the weak. The architecture is a chaotic blend of stolen treasures and crumbling ruins, a testament to the goblins' greed and disregard for beauty. Piles of hoarded loot—rusty weapons, tarnished jewels, and worthless baubles—clutter every corner, guarded jealously by the goblin inhabitants.   The Goblin King is a figure of dark majesty, a twisted monarch who rules his court with a combination of cunning, fear, and brute force. His appearance is both regal and grotesque, embodying the chaotic nature of the Goblin Court.   He is tall for a goblin, with a hunched posture that makes him appear even more menacing. His skin is a mottled greenish-gray, warty and scarred from countless battles. His long, pointed ears twitch at every sound, and his sharp, yellowed teeth are always visible in a predatory grin. His eyes are the color of molten gold, gleaming with a malevolent intelligence that sees through lies and deception.   The Goblin King wears a mismatched collection of finery and rags, including a tattered velvet cloak, stolen from a long-dead noble, and a crown pieced together from bits of gold and bone. His fingers are adorned with rings of dubious origin, and he carries a scepter made from the fused bones of his enemies, inlaid with cursed gems that flicker with an eerie light.   Despite his monstrous appearance, the Goblin King possesses a charisma that can charm or terrify in equal measure. He is a master manipulator, capable of turning allies against each other with a few whispered words. He rules through fear, ensuring that those who serve him are more terrified of his wrath than they are of any external threat.   The Goblin Court is a place where treachery is not only accepted but encouraged. Deals and bargains are struck with deceitful intent, and those who cannot protect their possessions quickly find them stolen. Power is the only true currency, and the Goblin King encourages competition among his subjects to keep them weak and divided.   The court holds chaotic and unpredictable gatherings where goblins and other fey engage in dark revelry. These gatherings often involve twisted games, dangerous duels, and the exchange of foul gifts. Trickery and betrayal are celebrated, and those who survive these events often come away with scars—both physical and mental.   The Goblin Court is a constant thorn in the side of the Seelie courts, especially the more orderly and noble ones. They engage in raids, thefts, and ambushes, delighting in causing havoc and sowing discord. The Goblin King, however, is not content with mere mischief. He harbors ambitions of expanding his domain and dreams of one day toppling the other fey courts to rule the Feywild with iron-fisted tyranny.   The Goblin Court is a reflection of the darker side of fey nature, where cunning, greed, and malevolence reign supreme. Those who enter the Goblin King’s domain must tread carefully, for in this court, the only certainty is that nothing is as it seems, and everyone is out for themselves.

Demography and Population

The few winter eladrin who reside in the Goblin Court have developed a tolerance for the chaos and frenzy of the goblins who reside there. Masses of goblins live in the court, reproducing even faster than others are killed. Goblins of all types and from different realms co-exist within the court. Though less frenetic and more disciplined, a few hobgoblins have etched out enough order to survive here. Boggarts, redcaps and gremlins create chaos and mayhem within the realm. The occasional mortal who finds there way here after being lost in the Goblin Market does not last long.


  • The Law of Cunning: Cunning is the highest virtue. The clever and deceitful are rewarded, while the foolish are exploited.
  • The Law of Acquisition: What you take, you keep—unless someone more cunning takes it from you.
  • The Law of Servitude: Loyalty is bought, not given. Those who fail to pay their debts or betray the Goblin King are doomed.
  • The Law of the Mask: Deception is a right. All are free to lie, cheat, and disguise themselves, but the discovery of a lie carries its own risks.
  • The Law of the Goblin King: The Goblin King’s word is absolute. To defy or question his orders is to invite ruin.
  • The Law of Betrayal: Betrayal is expected but must be profitable. Betraying for sport or spite without gain is foolishness.
  • The Law of Barter: Every deal is binding. Those who break a bargain are cursed, and their word becomes worthless.
  • The Law of Retribution: Grudges are eternal. An insult or injury must be repaid, often with interest.
  • The Law of Exchange: Nothing is given freely; everything has a price. Even kindness comes with a hidden cost.
  • The Law of Chaos: Order is the enemy. If you have made it this far in the rules, you are a fool.

Trade & Transport

The only non-subterranean feature within the court is the Goblin Market. The Goblin Market within the Goblin Court is a place where the lines between commerce and chaos blur, and where even the most cunning visitors must tread with care. This market, though situated in the heart of the treacherous Goblin Court, is considered neutral ground—a rare and strange oasis where deals can be struck without the immediate threat of backstabbing. However, the neutrality of the Goblin Market is tenuous at best, upheld by ancient pacts, powerful wards, and the mutual benefit it provides to all who partake in its business.   Laid out above the subterranean features of the court along green grass is a grand open air market. A road from each realm leads to the Goblin Market, drawing out vendors and deal-makers from every court. The Seelie and Unseelie trade openly here, and members of the Winter and Summer Courts can openly conspire. The air is thick with the scent of strange spices, roasted meats, and acrid smoke, mingling with the sound of haggling, laughter, and the occasional screech or growl.   The market itself is a chaotic maze of stalls, tents, and carts, each run by a different vendor—many of whom are goblins, but also other fey, hags, and even the occasional enterprising mortal. The pathways between stalls are narrow and winding, deliberately confusing to disorient unwary visitors. Hidden corners and shadowed alcoves provide places for secretive deals and hushed conversations, where the truly dangerous bargains are made.   The Goblin Market is infamous for the bizarre and often dangerous goods that can be found there. While some items are mundane or even useful, many are cursed, enchanted, or simply beyond mortal comprehension. More than physical good are sold here; dreams, gossip, memories, blessings, and curses are traded openly. Prices are binding and often are not simple barter or coin. The price might be memories, service, eye color, or any other cost only limited by imagination.   While the Goblin Market is a place of chaos, there are rules that maintain its neutrality:
  • No Violence: Physical violence is strictly prohibited within the market. Violators face immediate expulsion or worse, as the market’s guardians—the enigmatic Market Keepers—enforce this rule without mercy.
  • No Stealing: Theft is forbidden, though what constitutes "theft" is often a matter of interpretation. Clever vendors may trick a buyer, but outright stealing from a stall is met with swift and harsh punishment.
  • Fair Payment: Every deal must be sealed with an exchange of value. While coin is accepted, the market prefers more unusual payments: a year of your life, a heartfelt secret, or a treasured memory. Beware, though—once given, these cannot be reclaimed.
  • Binding Deals: Every deal made in the Goblin Market is magically binding. Breaking a contract, no matter how small, brings a curse upon the breaker, enforced by the Market Keepers.
The Market Keepers are mysterious and powerful entities that ensure the rules of the Goblin Market are upheld. They are seldom seen but always present, watching from the shadows or hidden among the stalls. Their true nature is unknown, but they are feared by all, even the Goblin King himself. When a rule is broken, they intervene swiftly and decisively, often with punishments that are as creative as they are terrifying.   On each equinox, the border between the feywild and the mortal world blur and the Goblin Market is manifest within the isles themselves. There is no rhyme nor reason to where it will be located, but these are special times for the market where the vendors have a bunch of mortals unsuspecting of the true weight of the prices they ask.   The Goblin Market is a place where the lines between good and evil, fair and foul, blur into ambiguity. It is a domain where anything can be bought or sold, for a price, and where those who enter must be prepared to navigate its labyrinthine rules and treacherous inhabitants. The market’s neutrality is a fragile thing, maintained only by the mutual interest of all who visit—knowing that while they may strike a bargain today, tomorrow could see them at the mercy of the very deals they’ve made.

What is Yours is Ours, and Ours is never Yours.

Court, Royal
Leader Title
Government System
Parent Organization
Notable Members