The Dark

The Dark is a shadowy and malevolent fey realm that exists deep within the Feydark, the lightless underbelly of the Feywild. Unlike other courts that revel in beauty, nature, or the changing seasons, The Dark embodies pure fear, terror, and the primal horrors that lurk in the unseen places. This court is not bound by Seelie or Unseelie allegiances, as it revels in chaos, the unknown, and the irrational fear of the dark itself. It is a realm that feeds on the dread that comes from what cannot be seen but is always felt.   The Dark is a terrifying, ever-shifting landscape where shadows take on lives of their own, and the atmosphere constantly presses in on those who dare to enter. The court is located in an endless, subterranean labyrinth of twisting caverns, deep gorges, and vast, hollow expanses where the very air hums with tension. The walls seem to move with a slow, deliberate pulse, like breathing shadows. Pitch-black rivers wind through the caverns, and bioluminescent fungi provide flickering, ghostly light that casts long, distorted shadows.   Silence dominates The Dark, broken only by faint echoes, distant footsteps, or the eerie sound of dripping water. The air is heavy with moisture, cold, and a clinging sense of dread. The deeper one ventures into this realm, the more disoriented and lost they become, as even light from outside sources is swallowed by the darkness.   In The Dark, nothing is ever static. The terrain shifts imperceptibly, and shadows seem to move even when there is no light source. These shadows stretch, elongate, and sometimes form into terrifying shapes that evoke primal fears—things with too many limbs, grotesque faces, or formless masses that seem to chase those who flee.   The fey who inhabit The Dark are reflections of the court’s nature, beings born of fear, shadow, and nightmares. They exist not only to scare but to embody the deepest primal terrors of their victims.   Shadow Fey, creatures composed entirely of shadow, are nearly invisible in the dark. They flit from place to place, whispering terrifying secrets and playing on the fears of those who enter their domain. They have no solid form, but their cold, ethereal touch sends waves of terror through those they encounter.   Flickering lights that lead travelers astray, dread wisps emit a faint glow just bright enough to attract attention before extinguishing themselves. They have the ability to manipulate the minds of those who follow them, leading them deeper into the labyrinth, causing despair and panic as their victims become hopelessly lost.   Nightmare Beasts, monstrous creatures whose very forms are twisted by fear, resemble exaggerated versions of common nightmares—spiders the size of horses, serpents with fanged maws, and eyeless, skinless humanoids. These beasts roam the court, mindlessly hunting those who stumble into The Dark.   Darklings, fey who have lived in the shadows of The Dark for so long that their very essence has been consumed by the void, lurk as silent, hunched figures with hollow, glowing eyes. Though rarely aggressive, their mere presence induces irrational fear and unease.   The Dark has no single, named ruler, as its essence defies identity and structure. It is said to be governed by a being referred to only as The Scaryman, a formless, all-consuming terror that personifies the court’s essence. Few have seen The Scaryman and lived to tell of it, for to encounter it is to face one’s deepest, most irrational fears made manifest.   The Scaryman takes no single form. It shifts constantly, taking on the guise of whatever its victims fear most. For some, it appears as an overwhelming darkness, a suffocating presence. For others, it is a vague, looming figure, always just out of sight but eternally watching.   The Scaryman feeds on fear. It is said that the more afraid one becomes, the stronger and more real the Scaryman grows. Those who enter The Dark may encounter it not in physical form, but as a constant, pervasive feeling of being hunted, stalked by something they cannot see or understand.   The Dark has no formal court structure, but there are rituals and practices among the fey that call it home, all centered around fear. Once per year, the fey of The Dark gather for a ritual known as the Feast of Shadows. During this time, they summon all manner of terrifying visions and nightmares, feeding off the collective fear of their victims. It is a time of celebration for the fey, as they revel in the power fear gives them.   The Trial of Night is a rite of passage for those seeking to prove their worth in The Dark. Those who wish to survive and thrive in the court must undergo the Trial of Night, a harrowing journey through the darkest and most fear-inducing places in the Feydark. Many who undertake this trial never return.   The fey of The Dark periodically embark on hunts where they lure outsiders into their realm and torment them, feeding on their fear. It is considered both sport and sustenance for the creatures that dwell here.   The Dark is not a place of beauty or joy, but a realm where the very fabric of existence is woven from fear. It thrives on uncertainty, on the unknown, and on the primal terror that all living creatures feel in the dark. Those who wander into The Dark without the courage to face their fears are doomed to become part of it, lost in its endless, shifting shadows for eternity.

Demography and Population

The fey who inhabit The Dark are reflections of the realm’s nature, beings born of fear, shadow, and nightmares. They exist not only to scare but to embody the deepest primal terrors of their victims. Shadow Fey, creatures composed entirely of shadow, are nearly invisible in the dark. They flit from place to place, whispering terrifying secrets and playing on the fears of those who enter their domain. They have no solid form, but their cold, ethereal touch sends waves of terror through those they encounter. Flickering lights that lead travelers astray, dread wisps emit a faint glow just bright enough to attract attention before extinguishing themselves. They have the ability to manipulate the minds of those who follow them, leading them deeper into the labyrinth, causing despair and panic as their victims become hopelessly lost. Nightmare Beasts, monstrous creatures whose very forms are twisted by fear, resemble exaggerated versions of common nightmares—spiders the size of horses, serpents with fanged maws, and eyeless, skinless humanoids. These beasts roam the court, mindlessly hunting those who stumble into The Dark. Darklings, fey who have lived in the shadows of The Dark for so long that their very essence has been consumed by the void, lurk as silent, hunched figures with hollow, glowing eyes. Though rarely aggressive, their mere presence induces irrational fear and unease. Umbral Hags, twisted by the shadows of The Dark, possess the power to manifest the fears of their prey in physical form. They revel in the suffering of their victims and are known for their cruel games of terror.


The one law above all others is that Fear is Power. No light and no fire may pierce the darkness of the realm.

You may be afraid of the dark, but the dark is not afraid of you.

Ruling Organization
Parent Organization
Notable Members