Ricard Loradon

Ser Ricard Loradon is knight of House Loradon of Goodsong and the sworn shield of Sienna Serafin. He is the eldest son of Lord Ermendo Loradon. He is married to Isabella Zullo, and they have one young son, Luca Loradon.  

Appearance and Character

Ricard is a strong and tall man with broad shoulders and long legs. He has black hair and blue eyes. He has a handsome face and is clean shaven, and marked by a scar that starts at his collar bone, leading up to his right eye. He has a guarded expression and distrustful eyes. Nearly nothing passes by Ricard without him noticing.   Ricard is a silent and solemn guardian. He is distrustful of outsiders, especially Ustalians after the Autumn War. He is extremely loyal to Sienna Serafin and her family. He only fights in tournaments when he is named his House's champion, but not for his own entertainment. He is always on guard, looking for any threat that could pose to his Duchess.   For weapons Ricard uses a sword and shield. Despite his liege's rivalry, he has credited Ramsey Haphet being the master of defensive fighting, and has studied his techniques. However, his admiration does not find Ramsey's son, Bareris, viewing him as arrogant and opinionated. Agapepto Serafin gifted Ricard an elegant longsword, the blade beautifully crafted blacksteel, the handle golden, and the pommel a large onyx. Ricard's armour is weathered and scratched. It is made of steel, the helm and pauldrons laid with spikes. He does not wear a cape, as it slows a fighter down.


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