Vittore Ferrante

Ser Vittore Ferrante is the second son of Aroldo Ferrante and María Maffia.  

Appearance and Character

  Vittore has the customary black hair and steel grey eyes of the House Ferrante. Vittore's eyes are a darker shade of grey, nearly appearing blackl, and his hair is a shaggy mop. He has an ugly face, marked by scars with a twisted pig-like nose and a patchy attempt at a beard. Vittore is much shorter than his father, and has a heavy figure. He is brawny and thick armed. He constantly eats, especially when he is angry (which is nearly all the time) and constantly finds himself a large mug of beer. He has a gruff voice and is said to carry an evil look in his eyes. His back is marked by lash marks from his father's training.   Vittore is a trained solider, but relies too greatly on his raw strength and enchanted warhammer. He used to wield a sword, but after the success of his half brother, Serenoa Irons, he switched to a hammer. He wears a shield but uses it almost like a second weapon. His attacks are a great flurry of rage and strength, but he lacks intelligent decision making and often tires himself out.   Vittore is a cruel, vindictive, and angry man. He is very similar to his father, and follows him blindly. His father says Vittore is a "warrior, but not a commander". He constantly thinks that he has to prove himself. Vittore is ill-tempered and extremely confident in his abilities. Bareris Haphet says Vittore is "a bully who hasn't been punched in the face yet". Despite all of his, Vittore carries a twisted sense of piety. At times he can be seen praying, not in any church, but on the battlefield. Most of his prayers are to Qathos and Casszdite, and his prayers usually revolve around "Gods, please let me bash his bastards skull".   Vittore has an evil reputation as a horrible misogynist, aswell as a sadistic and violent rapist. He has a strong dislike for women that he has carried from his father. He heavily dislikes his bastard brother, Serenoa, and is determinded to never father a bastard. For that reason he keeps a party full of women who have been proven to be infertile at his keep for him to "use". The whores he may buy while away, after he is finished using them he bashes their skulls open so that they will never concieve. Vittore has a strange obession with women with black hair, and is sickly protective of his elder sister Elena Ferrante. Despite this, Vittore also loathes the fact that his sister is the commander of his families elite guard, the Ironhands. Because of his reputation, lords are hesitant to offer marriage to Vittore.   Vittore has a great heavy suit of plate armour, expertly crafted and ornately designed by the legendary blacksmith, Black Aldo. The pauldrons have the iron gauntlet of House Ferrante and the steel has unique patterns and designs. His shield is a great heavy thing with a sharp end, also with the gauntlet of Ferrante.   After his duel with Amelio Feathers, Vittore's face is brutally scarred and torn. He no longer has his right arm from his elbow, and his right eye has been cut out. Vittore has been humiliated, crippled, and shamed for losing to a bastard.
Medium, Sleek, Black
280 lbs


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