The Devil's Orchard

The Devil's Orchard is a refueling station and boutique of decadent fun. It's guarded by a small, elite squad of operatives and its non-aggression pacts between the various major factions.   The Devil's Orchard is run by the human Efimia Lambras. She seems to know the names of everyone who visits. Hestian soldiers coming back from interstellar missions and ones assigned to patrol the asteroid belts frequent the Orchard almost as much as any freebooters.   The overall mood of The Orchard is ambitious; the patrons and residents can see a better life in the future, and they're willing to do whatever it takes to get it. This can be seen most obviously in the most recent major event to take place here.   The local refinery workers, merchants, ship mechanics, warehouse workers, and sensual workers love their home and will defend it with their lives.   The Hestian Republic is uneasy about an independent force holding the only refueling station in the system, but prefers having it that way instead of going to war without the freebooters that love the station.   The locals cheerfully welcome adventurers and are more than happy to make deals with them. Outworlders bring valuable information and goods to trade.   Due to a peace negotiation with the Hestian Republic, a majority of the laborers in the gas mines and fuel refineries must be Hestian citizens.   The Devil's Orchard is run by a representative council most of the time, but in times of crisis, Efimia can marshal executive powers to control every aspect of the station. Efimia is a system-wide hero and legend, and is loved by the council and the people.

Purpose / Function

The Hestian Republic originally built this station, previously known as Hermes 1, as a refueling station on the edge of Republic space in order to keep ships passing through the system at a safe distance from Hestia. The nearby gas mines supply plenty of unrefined fuel to the system, and Hermes 1 was built nearby go serve as a refinery and refueling platform.   The Devil's Orchard maintains this function, but now additionally serves as a trading hub and pleasure den for adventurers and outworlders. The Devil's Orchard reputation as a great place to rest and trade between journeys has made it an essential part of most freebooters' drill routes.


A few large, multi-story geodesic buildings make up the population center of the station. Several large structures away from the center serve as housing for warehouses and refineries. The station and its buildings are covered in stylized Hestian and Alexandrian colors and symbols. The station is long and narrow, with the refineries aong one side.   Since the trouble with Risebelt left the station without ready access to metals, the local mechanics are cannibalizing gear to keep the station in good repair.


The Devil's Orchard was originally constructed by the Hestian Republic and was named Hermes 1.   The Freebooters' Guild seized control of the station and established it as a faction-neutral space in the Polis Rebel Incident of 15986.   Efimia Lambras, The Devil of the Orchard, killed the former leader of Risebelt Industrial when he tried to claim that one of Efimia's sensual workers was his property.   Helifar's Fleet launched an attack on The Devil's Orchard in 16017. The raid was repelled, but not without losses. Many freebooters, volunteers, and off-duty Republic soldiers joined together to fight off the pirates.
Founding Date
23 ARIES 15972
Alternative Names
Hermes 1
Orbital, Way/ Refueling station
Parent Location
Owning Organization
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