Castle Naerytar

  • First mentioned in documents in the Hatchery Cave
  • Bog Luck tells Conrad of Castle Naerytar while eating dinner at Carnath Roadhouse.
  • - Wizards controlled it. - Stargazers took it over later
  • Virgil joins the group while heading towards the castle.
  • Snapjaw tells the group the cultist, or "Dragonkneelers" have had possession of the castle for about a year, and a black half-dragon, Rezmir, is there. He says the castle is guarded by lizardfolk like himself, and bullywogs lead by Pharblex Splatttergoo.
  • Nuri learns something to do with her father is located in the basement.

  • People:

  • Rezmir
  • Severin Maybe?
  • Frulam Mondath Maybe?
  • Pharblex Splattergoo
  • Virgils Penpal?
  • Shops:

  • None known
  • Inns:

  • None known
  • Other Locations:

  • Basement
  • Unfinished Business:

  • Dealing with the Cultist
  • Nuri needs to get to the basement
  • Virgil needs to find his penpal