Session 11: Security Flaws

General Summary

Morning Observations

  • The group wakes up after a second night camping in the Mere of Dead Men, only to watch a caravan of cultists float by in canoes, carrying piles of kobold bodies.
  • Alliance with Snapjaw

  • After convincing Snapjaw to continue working with the team, the heroes proceed upriver in their canoes.
  • Scaly Death Tribe’s History

  • Snapjaw explains that his tribe, the Scaly Death Tribe, has been working for the Cult of the Dragon for a year. Recently, Pharblex Splattergoo, the leader of the Bullywogs, killed Suncaller, the Scaly Death tribal leader.
  • Dragon Shadow and Lookout Station

  • A dark shadow, a dragon named Ragmanthar, moves over the group. Snapjaw reveals that Ragmanthar is a black dragon residing in the castle.- At a lookout station, the group finds little opportunity for defense. However, Snapjaw, with Nuri’s help, manages to rally the lizardfolk there to the plan of defeating the Bullywogs and ending the Cult’s control.
  • Arrival at the Castle

  • Upon arriving at the castle in heavy fog, the party seeks out Biteclaw, the local lizardfolk in charge. They learn of two factions within the tribe, one pro-cult, led by Rockfoot.
  • Infiltration and Discovery

  • The party decides to pose as new recruits, a strategy that repeatedly succeeds until a cultist from the old caravan almost recognizes Nuri. In a quick move, Tristan casts Minor Illusion on her face, allowing the group to be moved to the barracks in the southwest corner.
  • Investigating a Tiamat statue, they find a secret compartment in the head of the black dragon model, containing a black dagger, now in Conrad’s possession.
  • Upper Floors and Astronomers’ Fate

  • The group ascends to the top floor of the southwest corner. After some scouting by Rhumor, they cross the castle wall into a long-sealed room in the northwest corner. Inside, they discover the skeletal remains of three astronomers, the castle’s previous occupants. Virgil, hoping to find his lost pen-pal, checks one of the bodies, prompting three shades to appear and attack the party.
  • After defeating the shades, the group recovers three star charts: one of old parchment, one made of clay, and one of copper. Virgil concludes that his friend is not among the skeletons.
  • Basement Exploration

  • Rhumor discovers a trapdoor in the room. After looting a precariously placed chest on the second floor, he finds a path to the basement for the group.
  • Cave Encounters

  • The party heads into the caves, following tracks to a muddy room on the right. After eliminating two Bullywogs, they find themselves in a room swarming with centipedes, which they learn to ward off with fire.
  • In the next room, they encounter a giant frog. Conrad uses a ritual to Speak with Animals, learning that the frogs feed on centipedes. Nuri gathers some to feed them. When asked about Splattergoo’s whereabouts, the frog leads Conrad to the center of the watery cave, revealing some bullywugs. Two flee, while two engage the group in combat.



    Party Roster

    Level 1 (Druid 5)
    Level 5 (Sorcerer 5)
    Level 5 (Rogue 5)
    Level 5 (Warlock 5)
    Level 5 (Fighter 5)


  • A black dagger
  • Parchment, Copper, and Clay Star Charts
  • -


      TBD - We rushed ahead!