Session 12: Getting A’head

General Summary

The Frog Room

  • After engaging with the Bullywugs in the frog room, the party found only bones, indicating cultists punished by their superiors. • Investigating a southern room, they eliminated two Bullywugs guarding a tadpole pool. • Opting to backtrack, they encountered more Bullywugs, coinciding with an attack by lizard-folk on the Bullywugs upstairs.  

Exploration and Discovery

  • In an offshoot room, a grey ooze was dispatched, revealing a stash of gems in the water. • Rhumor eliminated Bullywugs in a mist-filled room beneath a crane. • The party defeated Bullywugs and Pharblex in a statue-filled room, learning more about the Bullywug leader from the statues. They found a trapped chest, disarmed by Rhumor, containing two spell books and a book for practicing Draconic.  

Major Confrontations

  • The group confronted two Dragonwings, uncovering a hidden teleportation circle beneath some mist. • After resting, they faced cultists and Lizard-folk led by Dralmorrer Borngray, with elite guard Rockfoot. The fight ended by turning two lizard-folk allies with Pharblex’s head.  

Discoveries and Strategies

  • Conrad disenchanted a ward around a Tiamat carving, revealing a chest opened by a word from Sintos. It held teleportation earrings and a Pearl of Power. • Rhumor and a wild-shaped Conrad spied from the teleportation room, learning the secret code “Dray-zeer” after observing Rezmir and Azbara Jos.



Party Roster

Level 5 (Druid 5)
Level 5 (Sorcerer 5)
Level 5 (Rogue 5)
Level 5 (Warlock 5)
Level 5 (Fighter 5)


  • 1800 Gold worth of gems in the Grey Slime Room
  • 500 Gold found on Pharblex
  • Two Spellbooks, one with 4th level spells, one with 5th.
  • Pearl of Power
  • Teleportation Earrings