Session 13: Revenge and Reeks

General Summary

Return to the Castle Surface

  The group heads back to the surface of the castle, finding the room previously occupied by cultists sorting treasure now empty. They overhear the sounds of drakes pacing back and forth from behind a door.  

Courtyard Ambush and Kitchen Discovery

  Stepping out into the courtyard, the party is immediately showered with arrows, with Virgil and Tristen becoming the unfortunate recipients of a foul-smelling substance from a shattered pot overhead. Conrad dashes into a nearby door, landing himself in the castle's kitchen. Here, the group engages with the kitchen staff, piecing together bits of the battle's timeline. Conrad's further investigation reveals only storage rooms above the kitchen.  

Confrontation in the Bullywug Barracks

  The party then makes a bold dash across the courtyard to another door, finding themselves in the Bullywug barracks. Driven by a thirst for revenge against the archer responsible for the foul smell, Virgil leads the charge. After a fierce skirmish with the Bullywugs, finding a chest of copper coins and other items, and rescuing another lizard-folk, they discover Pharblex's usual residence upstairs, along with a chest brimming with gold. Conrad quickly fills the bag of holding with the loot.  

Lizardfolk Allies and Tower Assault

  Next, the group investigates a nearby door, stumbling upon a group of lizardfolk in a defensive stance within a forge. Nuri successfully recruits a few to their cause, now leading Sunglow, Slateclaw, Firescale, Billy, Willy and Sally. Virgil, still fueled by his desire for vengeance, ascends the southeast tower, confronting a barricaded group of cultists. After overcoming the obstacle of the hatches, they defeat the cultists, with Virgil notably sparing the archer.  

Failed Sneak Attempt and Chaotic Battle

  As the party heads towards the central building, disguised as Dragonwings in hopes of ambushing Dralmorrer Borngray and his men, Rhumor accidentally steps on some glass, alerting the guard drakes and their handler. The ensuing battle is further complicated when Tristan, smeared with the earlier foul substance, attracts a trash monster from a nearby heap.  

Securing Allies and Preparing for Siege

  Following their victory over the drakes and the trash monster, Nuri brandishes Pharblex's head, prompting the lizard-folk within the central area to switch allegiance to the party's side. With insights from Rockfoot about the group inside, the party strategizes to eliminate the Bullywugs at the front gate, ensuring they can besiege the inner building and take a much-needed long rest.



Party Roster

Level 5 (Druid 5)
Level 5 (Sorcerer 5)
Level 5 (Rogue 5)
Level 5 (Warlock 5)
Level 5 (Fighter 5)
Report Date
25 Feb 2024
Primary Location


Potion of Etherealness Potion of Greater Healing 2 potions of Healing
