Leosin Erlanthar

A monk from Berdusk and a Harper investigating the Cult of Dragons.   The party first learned of Leosin after meeting his apprentice Nesin Willadra. Nesin asked the group to help rescue Leosin from the cultist at their camp near Greenest.   Leosin is described as a half-elf with black hair and olive skin.   Leosin is found tied to a pole among the animal pens. The group learns he is planning to escape that night.   The group learns Rezmir is seeking information from Leosin. Session 3: How to Cook a Game Hen   The group next meets Leosin outside of the camp. he is impressed that they rescued the villagers.   He reveals to the party his long standing interest in Dragon Cults, but that this new one seems particularly large and well-organized with a clear objective. He says this cult seems affilated with Lennithon, but it's scope extends beyond the worship of just one dragon. He says Rezmir is the local cult leader, ordering raids to gather treasure and raise dragons. There are other cells within the cult. It's possible the cult serves a powerful dragon or worships Tiamat.   He also says the treasure was being transported west.   Leosin next asks the group to return to the camp and investigate the cave, then meet him in Elturel. It is now that Groc recognizes Leosin is a Harper.
Session 4: "Clear as Mud"   Leosin is mentioned in a letter found by the party inside the hatchery.   Leosin sends a raven to the party as they approach Elturel emplorying the group to hasten to the city.   Leosin meets the group at the Pair of Black Antlers Inn. He invites the group to join the Harpers. A few join. He then tasks the group with infiltrating a caravan from Baldur's Gate to Waterdeep in order to track the cultist moving stolen treaure north.