Session 4: "Clear as Mud"

General Summary



19th of Flamerule, 1486 DR:

Time - 10:00 pm
  • Rhumor escapes the wizard on the north side of camp.
  • The group organizes their escape from the camp with the prisoners.
  • They then take a long rest in the woods.
  • 20th of Flamerule, 1486 DR:

    Time - Morning
  • In the morning, Leosin finds the group's camp and is relieved to see them with the prisoners.
  • During the journey back to Greenest, Leosin reveals:
  • - His long-standing interest in Dragon Cults. However, this particular one is unusually large and well-organized with a clear objective. - This cult seems affiliated with Lennithon, but its scope extends beyond the worship of just one dragon. - Rezmir is the local cult leader, ordering raids to gather treasure and raise dragons. - There are other cells within the cult. - It's possible the cult serves a powerful dragon or worships Tiamat. - The treasure has been transported west.
  • The party returns to Greenest where Governor Nighthil rewards them for their efforts. Meanwhile, Leosin reunites with his fellow monks.
  • - Players each receive 500 Exp and 250 gold.  

    21st of Flamerule, 1486 DR:

    Time - Morning
  • Nesin invites the group to the inn to discuss a new task from Leosin: Investigate the Raider's Camp cave.
  • - Promise of 150 gold for each member upon completion.
  • Groc identifies Leosin as a Harper.
  • Rhumor meets his contact.
  • Tristan receives a hint about his rubbing, which leads him to Elterel and someone named Morgan with an interest in giants.
  • After some shopping, the group heads back to the camp, hunts a deer for camouflage, and sets up camp for the night.
  • 22nd of Flamerule, 1486 DR:

    Time - Morning
  • The group hunts two deer and enters the camp, leaving their game with the butcher.
  • Their intel mission reveals the majority of the cultist army has departed.
  • Rhumor takes a position near the cave while the others inspect the command tent.
  • - Inside, they encounter a gnome scavenging amongst a trove of discarded treasure.
  • As the team congregates at the cave entrance, Conrad casts "Pass without a Trace." Rhumor advances covertly, sneaking past guards as the group preps an ambush.
  • Although the ambush starts off shaky, the group exploits the cave's narrow layout to thin out their enemies.
  • - Rhumor's cover is blown after inadvertently kicking a rock.
  • After a skirmish in the barracks, the group discovers a chamber adorned with grand dragon reliefs, including one of Tiamat.
  • Their exploration is interrupted by Langdedrosa and his three berserkers.
  • Groc boldly challenges Langdedrosa to single combat, displaying remarkable resilience.
  • Tristan remarks, "Is that mooing I hear? Really? They have cows down here? No time to think about that."

  • Nuri's twin Chromatic Orbs result in significant damage.
  • Tristan's "Mirror Image" spell enables him to confront two berserkers simultaneously.
  • Rhumor consistently inflicts massive damage from the shadows.
  • Conrad, in a surprising turn of events, transforms into a cow for a brief moment.

  • Tristan remarks, "Is that mooing I hear? Really? They have cows down here? No time to think about that."



    Party Roster:

    Level 3 (Druid 3 )
    Level 3 (Fighter 3 )
    Level 3 (Sorcerer 3)
    Level 3 (Rogue 3)
    Level 3 (Warlock 3)

    Journal Entry: 22nd of Flamerule, 1486 DR

      Hoo boy, what an odd turn today took.   After a day that involved sneaking past cultists and skirmishes in dark caves, I didn’t think anything could surprise me anymore. But amidst the chaotic dance of battle, in a whimsical experiment of my druidic abilities (or maybe just a fleeting thought), I found myself four-legged, hooved, and... well, decidedly more bovine.   Being a cow, or more accurately, on the verge of a raging bull, was a bizarre experience. For six seconds – which, let me tell you, can feel oddly long in cow-time – I had this growing urge to just... gore someone. I guess there's more to these creatures than meets the eye. All those calm cows in pastures? Maybe they're just one bad day away from charging.   The physicality was different too. My line of sight lowered considerably; it's jarring not to be looking over most creatures' heads. My usually nimble fingers, now just stout hooves, made me feel, honestly, a bit clumsy. And that snout! I felt like I could smell everything – including, regrettably, myself. Not my finest moment in personal hygiene.   I was just adjusting to this new perspective (and seriously considering charging at a berserker or two) when, bam! One of them struck me, and suddenly the world twisted and jerked, pulling me right back into my usual human form. Getting the wind knocked out of you is one thing, but shifting from cow to human from a blow is a sensation I could’ve lived without.   Next time? Maybe I’ll try something less... cud-chewing. Although, I won’t deny there was something appealing about the idea of becoming a massive, raging bull, ready to charge at a moment’s notice. But for now, I think I’ll stick to my two-legged form for a while. Easier on the senses, and far less... moo-y.   Until the next weird transformation, Conrad
    Report Date
    16 Sep 2023
    Primary Location
    Secondary Location
    Dragon Hatchery